I've done it before with no problems. Just remember to witness mark the linkage and zinc fin so they go back in the same place. What irritates me is Honda uses a rubber impeller that doesn't last and sticks to the impeller housing when dry. If you are using a hose and muffs to run your motor you have to to let the water run hard for a long time to hydrate your impeller so it won't stick. Even then sometimes it will still adhere to the housing. Mercury makes a nitrile impeller that lasts forever and does not stick. When I pick up an impeller Monday I will ask if there is any aftermarket upgrade available. I have always been impressed with Volvo duoprops for their grip on the water which translates to efficiency. If I had a larger outdrive boat (I have had only one with an alpha 2 paired with a Mercury marinized 350 block ) I would want a duoprop paired with a true marine diesel .
Maybe winterize with RV antifreeze with the muffs? That antifreeze is much more slippery than water, regular non RV antifreeze is even more slippery. I know, that's the n nice thing about winterizing outboards is that you didn't need to use antifreeze to winterize since all the water just drains out on an outboard. IDK, maybe with a shot? Yeah I'm impressed with the duoprop. I didn't ski or board behind the Lauren last year, I only went behind my buddy's Supra, but I'll boatd from the Larson this year, especially if I get the tower I want.
I rebuilt the water pump in the kicker motor so all is right with the boat in the motor department! More work in the next few days.