I’m not a mechanic, so I’m not sure on the Vacuum/mechanical secondaries. It’s a Holley 0-82670 Marine Avenger 670 cfm carburetor, I looked at Holley’s website, and it didn’t specify vacuum or mechanical secondaries. And yeah it was $760. The intake manifold was $200. The MSD ignition system was pretty spendy, all the components combined, totaled more than the carb Summit racing showed an online price of $684, so the shop did have a mark up, but they ain’t doing this for free I had authorized up to $3,500, and call before going beyond that, I really had no idea how involved it might get. He also R&R’d the prop shaft with another that I had, replaced the fiber bushings in the shaft strut, oil change and some other miscellaneous repairs and services. The Bill totaled $3,855, parts and labor, and he showed a $605 discount, which kept the bill $250 under what I authorized, and would have likely approved over, if needed. That included a $200 battery that I expected needed to be replaced, but planned on doing myself. Overall, I am Happy with the Work and Price, not “Cheap” but I feel that it was more than Fair, and that is what is important, sometimes “Cheap” ends up being Expensive, and Inconvenient. In a boat, Uber or walking home often ain’t an option. The starboard side view is shaded, so the details aren’t very clear, sorry Port side view is better Definitely lived up to the “BOAT” acronym, plus, but I have well over half a Century of history in this Boat, so I’m not complaining, it was worth it. The other day out on the water, after almost 4 years of her being dry, was a Joy beyond description, and well worth the admission You’d think that I would learn my lesson, we don’t have just One Boat, but have Two, plus 2 Canoes and 3 Kayaks. The water has always been a Special Place in my Life, and I don’t see that ever changing Doug
Yeah, $200 is a bit steep for a Battery But this is what it looks like And this is where it goes, and why that particular battery is needed. A more typical automotive battery would start the Boat just fine. BUT, you would have to remove the exhaust manifold, to get it in or out, Yeah, I’ll pay a bit more for the battery, and leave the exhaust manifold in place Doug
Ah. Thanks for the engine/ boat porn. That's a 4150 vacuum secondary carb. Boats do better with vacuum secondaries, due to the load of water, vs easy rolling tires on a car.
200 isn't unfortunately a bad price for a battery in the current market. Pun intended. Now figure that odd shaped beast and that's a deal. My truck battery while it's a common but large battery was that a year ago.
You’re welcome for the Boat/Engine porn, Happy to provide We all Like, er, I mean LOVE pics right? No pics, No Credibility Doug
My understanding is that those odd shaped beasts were/are? Pretty common in farm tractors, and I have heard that they were used in Jaguars quite a bit too. In my area, there aren’t a lot of tractors or Jags, so not too many of these on the shelf at carquest Doug
We search out whales when tuna fishing. Have seen some real close but not that close thankfully. It’s pretty amazing to see a pod of humpbacks bubble feeding.
Humpbacks are scary as they don't know you are there as they do their own thing. We had a couple of breech not too far from us on one of our trips.
Packing up gear to head back out for the elusive giant Bluefin tomorrow. The recreational trophy quota is 70% filled so this will most likely be our last shot for this year. However any fish over 27 is getting the dart!
Went about 30 miles south to Milwaukee for the air and water show. An F/A 18 super hornet over Milwaukee. We had an epic time today. This same F/A 18 did an awesome banking corner 300' over our heads in the boat. After we got back to the port. Much smoother. Waves got to be 6-8' and a bit much
I don’t get pictures of me very often. The Coasties took this after the boarding party was done, excellent young crew. Owl
Dungies!! my mouth is literally watering. Was that cannon beach? I've been there plenty of times, but never on the water.
Pacific City, not to far south of Cannon. Cannon isn’t an ideal beach launch or drive for me anymore. Owl
Got out on Lake Superior for a couple hrs Sat. Great conditions for simply enjoying the sun. Drug a couple spoons for an hour with no success. Didn't even think about taking pics... Next time.
Fog was thick as pea soup at 0dark30. We made our way out 22 miles. Were able to stock up on Macs with whales, dolphins and bird all around. The sun came up and the ocean was flat, all life disappeared except the parking lot of boats. we sat for a few hours looking at the balloons, decided if it was gonna happen we needed to move. Made another hour run and in 5 min the rod went off! 2 hours 20 min later this 86” beast was in the boat. What a day.
Nice!! That'll fill lots of small food tins. Close to 300lbs? I take it you had a buyer, or did you keep it?
We didn’t have a way to weigh, the chart says 385lbs. Is illegal to sell fish caught on a recreational license. We spent 3 hours last night processing. It’s all in vac sealed bags. Friends, family, neighbors even the dog are eating tuna this week! The rest will be split between the 3 of us that were on the boat.