The state highway dept pushed this black over locust over the other week when they were cleaning the culvert right across from my shop. It's been standing dead with the top broke out for 25 years. Figured I'd give a shot to see if it was any good. 1st piece off the top was icky but the next 6 rounds were perfect.
That used to be pretty common around here too. There's a giant osage/hedge grove right up the road from me....probably hasn't been harvested in 50 years now.
Good deal. Is that locust? I’m guessing so if it’s 25 years old but I don’t see any color so I’m curious.
This past summer I found a fence row with hedge on it. I’m going to introduce myself to the farmer if I get time.
You probably aren't too far away from me. Farmers can be hit and miss. Some love to have field edges cleared for free....others don't want anyone on their land for anything.
Yes BL. It may have been dead longer but I have been here 25 years. Guessing the tree was pushing 100 years old. The color fades as the wood dries out. Smaller {younger} trees seem to have more color.
I only got BL once. Just css a few months ago. What I noticed with mine in particular was the trunks that had rot seemed to be caused by the tree growing bark inside the trunk. Not sure why it does that. Maybe the trees were injured? Anyhow the bark is very susceptible to bugs. Had lots of worms and grubs living under the bark. I don’t have a great sniffer but yeah it smells. Slimy too. Like a banana peel.
Have you found anymore locust Joe? The little tree i scored had loose bark and was slimy like you said.
Woody Stover said it’s likely some kind of disease, probably what kills them and then lucky ones who find it in a brown color are in for a treat. When I split the wood, the inside was as if a wood worker stuffed sawdust in the middle and it wet-caked. Just falls apart and away. I had so much splitter chaff that it took several backyard fires just to get rid of it. Most of it was bark. What I had smelled was a mixture of ketchup and standing on a saltwater pier. *shrug* it’s a different smell. But pass all that wet mess and the heat is indeed unlike any other. Purple white flames.
Nope, haven’t even seen a tree since that score. Sometimes I turn around while driving but it always turns out to be a Sassafras.
Got my eye on this one. Serious steroid bark. Top broke out a couple of years ago in a wind storm. Stihl have to get the limbs.
“purple white flames” Those are perfect words to describe a hot locust fire. I have found the coals don’t last as long as oak but holy crap locust burns hot. I got my arse chewed out on Christmas Eve. Filled the stove full of locust and soon my grandson was wearing nothing but a diaper and a smile. And his cheeks got all rosy. Wife chewed me out.