The low gear works great. the quad is a 2003. It’s a great tool! It’s close to getting updated but it does the job. The tire are ITP Mud lites. I rarely slip a tire. I’ve honestly thought about planting some BL seedlings. They grow fast and allow great cover under them for deer.
Slocum, I'm burning some as I type this. I can attest to the heat output. Grab all you can and without the bark is a plus. Seems the bark holds in the moisture forever if not split.
3 more loads out this morning. Little misting rain made for a interesting hill climb even though trailer was empty.
It amazes me how strong this wood is. This one log has been dead for who knows how long is holding 4 other trees up.
Nice manageable size too. Looks like the cart fills up rather quickly. Will you burn any of it this year Slocum? The elevated barkless trees should be close to ready, no?
Some of it was 18%, but most was 21-25%. I’ll wait till next year. Maybe it will get cold next year.nope, it don’t take long for the cart to fill up but each load counts.
I can’t speak for Tim but the bark has somewhat of a weird swampy smell. When I had a score of this stuff couple years ago, most the bark would fall off like sprinkles on an unfrosted cookie. Other pieces would be off usually by the time I split it but it wasn’t only the bark that smelled but the wood too. They were definitely more pungent if it were the more wet part of the log in the middle as most of the logs were dried out. Looked like it was standing dead but also seemed to be sitting for quite a while that middle rot set in. Mix that all up and it had some smell indeed. Your score is something I hope to find again Slocum, Black Locust has the most potential that even oak has some serious competition with it. The fire is incredibly warm and sustaining. I have to check myself with it as my BL supply isn’t what it used to be. I had sold some a couple summers ago and wish I hadn’t.... but really not much choice. Keeping some elsewhere accessible to me was the next best thing. Likely to split it and get it ready soon.
I agree with your comments Fatboy, given the opportunity I'll take locust in an instant. Just dry it out till the moisture content is low enough and light it up!!
You'll be looking at your boots to see what you stepped in. Nice. As you've probably seen, when you run into a bit of center rot, it will often end as you keep cutting further down the trunk. I guess that's some kind of disease, and may be what kills them. Yeah, you don't want 'em much bigger..they weigh a ton, even the dry ones. Any of it that throws brown chips is burnable, and I see some brownies in there..
Man what a score! I dont have any BL on my place, dont know how it burns other than what people here say on FHC. Get it while you can my friend!
I have never had access to it so it’s new to me. I’ve heard old timers talk about it and guys on here swear by it. Without trying it I’m taking everyone’s word on it and getting as much as I can!