Both great firewoods. Birch a rare scrounge for me. Id like to get more. If there was only one wood i could cut for the rest of my life ash would be it. Nice and straight, splits easily, enough around. Actually havent had any ash in a long time...oops!...hat didnt come out right!
I do have a hitch, I've used it exactly once, to tow a u-haul trailer out to WeldrDave's property. That was a fun day! I'd use a trailer more often if I had one of my own, but we haven't pulled the trigger on that. I tend to get small scores of wood, from the dump or Craigslist or wherever. I guess it's a chicken or the egg thing.
I'll go out on a limb here () and predict that Ash will be the series winner...if not, then Sugar Maple or Red/White Oak, but my guess is Ash.