We have pellets here, they just are not the best quality. But they still keep the camp warm. Next year I will have to figure out how I am going to store 5 ton at the camp. I hate to put them in the basement, then I have to carry them up one or two bags at a time.
My road is posted already. No big trucks in here for a while. After that about anything can fit and be able to turn around. HD's forklift is Hughes with very wide front wheels. He parked on rt 9 then dove in here (1000 ft). And was able to push a ton onto the garage floor, but until that one got pulled back into the garage, the rest had to be left behind the first on. If I had a pallet jack then, they could gave been moved as he left them so none would very left in the drive.
X2... I don't even have to carry the bag a day up. Got a 12 yr old and it's on his list of chores to do daily. The Fahrenheit in the basement I worry about. But that's only a 20 ft walk. No steps. As to running out of pellets, in 2010 I took on 9 ton (5 PTL, 2 Green Label Ligs, 2 Easy Heats). I have still bought some pellets here and there (2 ton of Somersets this year and about a ton every yr before that). Still have 40 bags of PTL'S left and about 40-50 bags of Sets left. Plenty for the rest of the year. But that makes this the restocking year. Need to get back up to at least 6-8. It let's you watch the market and not succumb to the pricing increase. Especially when we have a shortage (2008-2009).
Gotta watch out for the child labor folks there OM. Then there's CPS. Don't you know that making junior do something useful will hurt his whatever? Get with the program will ya .
Oh I am in good shape. Don't mind carrying the bags. But my camp basement entrance is outside at the back of the camp. Not a perfect walkway in the winter. Have to keep it shoveled and be careful if carrying bags of pellets. So much nicer to just keep them in the camp. Not bad to keep one ton in the back room at camp spread out around the outside walls. But if I want to do five ton I will have to put them in the basement. We will see.
Well, then I'm in trouble. Because my little ones have been helping us around the house for years. And two are 10 and one is 7 now. Firewood, cleaning, etc., etc., etc. LOL
Saw Save$ post that HD still had AWF. Headed in this morning to grab some, but none left. All they had was 3 tons of Green Supreme and they expected them to be gone by this afternoon. They said they expected more midweek, but didn't know what it would be. They have a limit of 25 bags per customer. So I headed to TSC. They were selling Freedom Fuel and their own brand for $224.95. Their own brand were in different colored bags than the ones MWP was selling them earlier in the year, more orange and brown. I didn't see any indication of who bagged them, so I passed. Headed to Lowes to see what they had. Nothing. All out.
UPC would have told us that was in them bags. Could be Hamer's, Energex or others. But we'd figure it out for ya. Might wanna get it for us even if you don't buy some. Could be something we haven't seen this season? If you happen buy there again, Please snap pic or jot down the UPC if you wouldn't mind?
Should be very similiar to the FSU's. Same company sister pellet. PA bags the Stove Chow as wil stated. I heard 5 plants were baggin for TSC, So far I have see 3 UPC's(Hamer-MWP-Energex) We know the PA plant was bagging for TSC, Could be the CA plant is as well. Then they would be identical to the FSU's.
I'm not that impressed with the FSU's this year. The ash I'm getting from them is very heavy and gritty, almost like sandblasting grit. No comparison between the FSU's and the AWF's.
There is a place on state street that has pellets, also Rocky's and knights both on N. Bebfast ave. if I see anything you might like I can sent you a PM. If you want, I'll text you if you want to PM me with a contact address or number. I can take a pic. And send that to you also.
I couldn't find the FSU's this season. I did burn some Stove Chow. They did pretty well. Heat was about 250ºF and ash was just under 0.6%.
I still have over 2 tons so I'm not worried about running out. I just wanted more of the AWF because they burn so well.