27 bags in November. 4 so far in December. I went most of last week with just the wood eater since it was fairly warm out. I don't think we're going to get higher than the 20s for the next couple weeks. I did a cleaning last Saturday when it was nice and warm out. Hit the vent pipe with the leaf blower "just because". Not much came out of the vent piping at all. It didn't really need it, but I figured I'd do it while the furnace was off and it was nice out.
You must have the right combination of pellets, settings, etc. hope the rest of your burning season is as efficient.
64 in December 2.06 bags per day 116 so far this winter (Oct.-Dec), 1.26 bags per day 201 remaining, if I heat through the end of May at an average of 1.26 bags per day I will end up 306 bags burned for the season or just over 6 ton.
I have put approximately 76 bags through the stove so far, keeping the camp between 40-50 depending on temps outside. Now I can't remember what day I fired up the new stove. C.R.S. Dam. Sometime in the end of October I guess. LOL
41 in December, 27 in November. If January keeps up like it started I expect to go through well over a ton this month. Had a few days in December that I didn't burn pellets at all, just ran the wood eater. I see a lot of two bag days coming up.
Just dumped bag #128 into the hopper this afternoon. House is 69-70* I'm about 25 bags ahead of last winter at this time.
As of yesterday, I was already 16 bags over last year. . . . Or over 2.5 ton. Added 2 more bags to the Fahrenheit tonight. So 18 bags over last year. I never came close to burning over 2.5 ton in the last 2 years. Looking like I will be burning 3-4 ton this year. I opened my basement up considerably. Which added extra space. Uninsulated space. But the wood eater normally keeps it 80° + down there.
Just tallied them up. Not as bad as I thought. 42 so far in January, 110 bags so far for the season. Should end the month at right around 1 ton.
48 bags in January, 124 left. It's going to be close unless I can find more, but that's getting harder to do lately.