Has anyone tried Bacon Salt or some of the other variation? Also available with cheese, hickory and other flavors. Not as high in sodium as regular table salt. Add to veggies, eggs, fries etc.
Now, I'm going to tell you how to give those pancakes a boost, I top them with honey and cinnamon. So gooooooood
SM, you would absolutely love this deli up from me. They sell chocolate covered bacon. I haven't tried it, but the locals say its out of this world......... so, if you have a double boiler, chocolate, bacon, and a camera...... feel free to post a breakfast dessert!
Picked a pile of blackberries today. I think some BBB pancakes are in order for breakfast tomorrow morning. (BaconBlackBerry).
Campinspecter picked blackberries this morning before breakfast so we had blackberry pancakes (no bacon). We had company so I didn't get pictures. Didn't want them to think I was really odd.
I need to try smoking bacon again. Even though it was a little overcooked, that was one of the best foods I have ever eaten in my life.
That's nothing. A while back I got all hopped up on bacon salts and tried to eat the face off my neighbor's pig (get it? Bacon salts...bath salts...)
Cooking bacon tip, I generally like to cook off a pound all at one in the oven, but for pan fried, here is a hint to keep the splattering down and improve the consistent crispness of the bacon. http://www.thekitchn.com/tip-for-perfect-bacon-add-a-little-water-to-the-pan-191595.
Happy International Bacon Day http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Bacon_Day http://www.cnn.com/2014/08/30/living/international-bacon-day-eatocracy/index.html
You really can't smoke strips of bacon. - you could try it in strips but space will become limited The piece needs to be whole and done in a cold smoking technique. There are a ton of youtube videos for DIY cold smoking. The coolest idea I think I saw was a milkshake mixing cup with a few bits added and a fish tank air pump - attached directly to a grill through the side vent hole.