There may be something to that.. I have not had any issues with the DF's... But this morning, there was a little piece about the size of a cat turd on the right side of the burnpot... but it broke apart when I scraped out the ashes, it was not a 'cake', powdery... -whatever° just might do some weird things! Dan
I've seen that as well with Blazers. Not all the time, in fact I think it was only once. Broke up real easy. Almost like a ball of powder.
Have gotten an indication from the P43 that it has run out of the Vermont's / LaCrete's and back on the PTL's. In constant mode, I didn't have to clean ashes out of the fire pot with the good stuff (nor do I have to do it often with PTL's in Room Temp mode). But, now I am finding the ashes backing down the throat of the fire pot and the flame looks in danger of being smothered. Cleaned it out and let her rip on feed rate of 4 for about 20 minutes this morning then turned it back down to feed rate 1 before I left for work. Also looks like the P61 may be getting mixed DL's and Platinums as there is more ash building in the pot (regardless of the ash cakes from earlier - at least they were at the edge, not in). In another day or so I'll be able to turn them back to Room Temp / Auto mode, so they'll blow the ashes out from higher flames. BUT, this is a good indication of the difference between the really good pellets and the middling ones (besides the heat of course).
Finally made it to my one bag of Olympus pellets last night and the results are ! Excellent ! great smell * nice color * durable * very hot * and very clean * = ***** thank you Alex .
I loaded up two bags of the Oly Dfirs Saturday after doing a deep clean of the stove( Heat exchanger, exhaust passages, both fans, and a quick clean of the venting.) and wow. Even with temps around -18° Saturday night, stove running on level 3 out of 5 it maintained 70° inside. The ash is almost non existent. I thought I was spoiled with the La Crete's, which are great, but these are amazing. I feel I am getting more heat out of them, but it could be that I did a deep clean of the stove before running them. Either way the ash is so much less than the La Crete's, which I find exceptional. I am blown away that, compared to the TSC branded MWP, the La Crete's put out more heat with less ash and can go longer between cleaning, (average two weeks + vs max of one week with the MWP), but with two bags of the Oly' Dfirs burning I don't even have the light ash build up around the burn pot I normally see. They are an excellent product!
Just ordered up 2 tons to be delivered (free). Still have high hopes that some of the good stuff will get to a price I can justify (less ash is not a justification - I got nothing but time on my hands when I'm not at work).
I hear ya I've used them before and this batch looks even better . Hardly no fines and no dust . They might have given me a pre sale price so I'll leave it at that , but at least 3 hours from you unfortunately .
I just used up the last of mine.... they worked very well for me... With the exception of those 3 sub zero days, that is all I used. Dan
My 1 donated sample bag will be going into the hopper shortly. With all the warm weather we've been having, the cold we're seeing tonight feels colder than it did a month ago.
At least for a while longer, they are still on special here... $248 v $285 for La Crete. That's a tough value to beat, imo. When I see BBS stuff in that price range. Of course, I'd go 285 over 259 for most BBS stuff any day, regardless... Now that my Plats are gone, I am into the La Crete stack.. Love 'em. Dan