Nice !! Just had my stove out last weekend I have not used it since 1999 and it fired right up Love those gas stoves and lanterns jb
Hey old iron , I just acquired 2 of those 530 stoves, one of which works. They are the civilian model of the 520 produced for WW2. Ernie Pyle said they were the second greatest American contribution the war, the jeep being first! My research says the 530 was produced from the end of the war through 1949. So we both have pieces of history!
Here are the 2 530's I just got as well as an Optimus and a Primus stove There is a NW Chapter of the Coleman Collectors Club's event taking place in Olympia April 1. I will be taking these there hoping for info and values. They are also interested in any small stoves that will run on Coleman fuel!
I have three old Coleman lanterns I got when cleaning out my dads barn. One is a little single mantle I want to get operational again. Needs a globe and other stuff.
Thats nice !! I have one just like it . It was a christmas gift to me many years ago (I think early 1970) from mom and dad it still works just fine next time I fire it up I will get a picture
I passed on a blue Coleman lantern in Tulsa a couple weeks ago. Never seen one quite like it before, I have one with a light blue tank and darker top. But this one was different, kinda almost a navy blue. Can’t remember his asking price, I know it was north of $100, $150 maybe? For the condition it was in I was thinking more in the $75 range. It must’ve sold because when I went back to try and haggle it was gone.