I think I saw some of those this morning...wondered what they were. Now if I can remember where they were...
Just catching up on this post. I have been pouring my morel rinse water out in the back yard, and I've found about 10 morels over the years from doing it.
I just discovered Chaneterells this summer. They've been growing in my back yard by the grocery store bag fulls for years and I had no idea. Now that I know how tasty they are, I'll be ready next year to try different recipes.
It was a tough morel season for me, I definitely did not over harvest them.. I only found 8, enough for a couple meals. Yum!
Looking for morels is a fickle thing, I'd say we probably logged about the same amount of miles. I have one reliable spot on Mark Twain Lake, near a busy boat ramp, that I go out of my way to keep secret. I wear camouflage and hide behind trees when boats go by, and to make matters worse Canadian Geese like to nest there, and they get quite noisy to protect their nests. I hate Canadian Geese! Even I have to admit it's comical though.
I did find 2 false morels, which are claimed to be toxic, but our neighbor eats them. I'm not interested in testing that.
That's a picture perfect morel. They are tasty, and with such a narrow window of opportunity to find them, makes them that much more special. It's been such a late spring, I still wonder if there's more to be found. That's great for the kids to enjoy it.
It’s been cool here. Usually Mother’s Day weekend is the end of the season here. Morels are just getting started, mid 80s next week might end it quick. We will see.
Found these on a dead elm. Looking for yalls thoughts on I'd? I think I know, but want to ask others....
I forgot to write back... Oh the pretty colors! No no, just kidding... I had enough coordinating agreement that they were oysters. My wife also sent pics to a neighbor down the road who knew about mushrooms, and she said oysters, and told us how to prepare. Dear sweet darling loving wife.... was getting ready to up my life insurance.... The in-laws were already coming for supper. Only the fil and I ate them, the others are not shroom fans.... They were quite tasty. I will keep my eyes open for more!