88° and you did that still today? You crazy!!! You've been busting your butt on this, you deserve a day completely off.
I think it’s going to be more than one. When I spoke to the people that gave me the ok, I let them know if the temps went above about 85/90 my progress would slow considerably. Might have to phone a friend to get through the rest.
Brad, this is what my best long loop looks like right now. Those last two cuts killed it. A filing fool I have been lately! Trunk is done so no more of that..
I would cry too! I know how you pride yourself in the sharpness of your chains. I was bucking a blowover locust yesterday and still couldve cut another round off the rootball, but with an almost new chain i didnt...tempting as it was. I did nick dirt cutting a splintered chunk near the end. Luckily the trunk was slightly elevated. Saw a spark. And being BL doesnt help either. Do you use the Timberline on that or grind first?
Kinda like SBH, that stuff is hard on chain! I hand file everything. Luckily it’s a slow day at the office.
Do you hand file one cutter at a time and then reposition to the next cutter with your vise grip, The Wood Wolverine ?
I see you have your light saber handy to see it its sharp enough. Id love to try a cut or two with a square filed chain.
Big difference buZZsaw BRAD . Much smoother in the cut, faster and more durable than round filed chain. There is more metal supporting the working corner. I sure do. I’m a bit ocd with keeping my chains razor sharp. Square filing can sometimes remove material from the strap and I feel this method minimizes that and it allows me to focus on each cutter while filing. Pic to show the file hitting the strap a bit:
Phenomenal work. Takes a long time To season but easiest splitting wood by far IMO and burns great. Awesome job
I’ll have to ask. I’ll bet Anchorseal. Kinda looks like that stuff. Oodles of noodles! @ this point I switched from 42 to 28” bar w/ full comp chain to noodle.
Getting ‘er done! It’s great to see the end in sight. Trying to represent that FHC decal as best I can... Next cut will be tricky. The log is going to fall some. Not sure if that’ll be tomorrow or Monday. I took the day off in hopes to finish this project up. We’ll see.
That's been quite the adventure (project) .....1 more leg to go.....finish line just over the next rise.
Another go round today. After this is all cleaned up, I’m going to ask for what’s left to be drug out of the weeds if they want me to take more. If not, it’ll lay. Little friend wanted to know why all the noise! Excuse the somewhat blunt chain.