So the primer to this post is here: Firewood in SC Pa Major thank you’d to DaveGunter for the hook-up. My fist encounter with this tree: I called the appropriate people and met up with them to get the go ahead. Not having a tape measure, I used my arm and came up with about 34” at the cut spot. After a few rounds a tape confirmed just over 51”!!! The people I met with said they counted 199 rings. They also want a witness a live of about 3-4”. Should be cool when done.
These are pics from the first load. I squared up the big end and took two 16” rounds. Tree was blown over this spring but I was told it was pretty much dead then. 42” bar on that saw. And I’ve been noodling with the Dan Henry ported 357 extra pee. 20 feet to go at this point! When exiting the driveway, I’m facing this neat old house. Lotta memories for me. Growing up it was told this was the haunted house and you dare not look at it. Reflecting now I’m sure me and my cousin were the only ones hiding our eyes. Lol.
Saturday I took the trailer along. Working solo. The log isn’t getting much smaller, it seems.. And I went back yesterday after work. Cut and loaded 3 rounds in the back of my Tundra. 70lbs in the bags and she was definitely over loaded. It’s only 5.5 miles from my house though. Had to freshen up the long bar chain first. It felt a little off and I confirmed it with a closer look. Really liking the new EXL. My beautiful wife. If she knew I shared this pic, she might not appreciate it. I was so happy to have her with me, she even helped a little. I think I’m about ready for the witness slice. And a pic of the pile. It was dark when we finished.
357 extra pee. That’s a first for me. Seriously LMAO Das a lotta woood. Nice it’s not going in a landfill.
I'm a little surprised the 357 will pull that bar. 42" is 660/395 territory. Is the oiler keeping up?
So the 42” bar has a Shaun Carr ported 394 attached to it! Noodling duty is a 20” bar on the tree five seven.
T think the 42” is on a 394. As for that chain? What can you tell me about it? Is that the X-chain? X-85? Are those two designations the same?
Ahhh...that makes more sense. 357's are nice little saws. Had a chance to buy a mint 395, but passed on it.
Very nice. Thanks for sharing, I've been known to get red oak, now an then. I hope you have the room to season it 3yrs. Nice to see FHC's helping other members out. With tips, or mini gtg's. If you sound the horn, you're sure to get an answer.
I have at least 3 winters worth of 85% oak s/s right now so this should get plenty of time to properly dry. This is the new Oregon EXL in 3/8 .050. It doesn’t file too bad and holds an edge better than the LGX. I find it somewhere in between LGX and Stihl RS on hardness. The Stihl chain is great but #1, it’s expensive and #2 it eats up my files. It does hold an edge longer than any other brand I’ve used.
2 rounds this evening. Cut the witness slice and covered it in noodles in hopes it won’t crack so quick. In an effort to keep my chain out of the dirt, I’ve been able to rock the round free and break some bark off. I put a piece of limb cut-off On each end to keep them from rolling anywhere. This is one round. Noodled to 14 pieces. Progress! Then it’s on to the other 1/2. Again, 42” bar... And the buried 6” cookie:
You must be on cloud nine after successfully processing all the good stuff. 199 years. That takes us back to 1821. No cars, no phones, Abe Lincoln would have been Little League age..and that tree existed. Very cool.