Three times weve been but it’s a early morning walk and I could never be bothered . perfect day do I couldn’t resist
thanks No more than any other season really. I guess we get a fair amount of wind in general, but then I haven't lived anywhere else to know the difference. There's a region on the southwest corner of the island known for brutal winds, (haven't been to the west coast myself, on the list when I can have a week to do it) you hear of trucks being blown off the highway on occasion out there. Otherwise serious property damage is very rare, when it does happen it's usually the newer subdivisions in town, and they're a little ways inland. Built by companies looking to make a dollar instead of someone wanting a home to last, and it ends up showing. Left up to me it'd be outlawed.
Great shots I lived in Page for a year working at Navajo Station, the powerplant just east of Antelope Canyon. I never got in them while the light great or the sand wasn’t blowing.