So...all the previous pics were shot w/an aim & shoot. I have been wanting to get back into photog. Did a lot of it in college--did my own darkroom work, mixed my own developing chemicals, rolled my own TMax (yes film). Recently (and finally) picked up a decent DSLR (Nikon D600). Photos are significantly better now with the DSLR rig.
Nice blue, seems you get around quite a bit, what do you do for work. Most of my trips for work these days are China and India. Ocassionaly I go to the twin cities. ONce I went to Germany (Wolfsburg/VW plant) but that was back before digital cameras and I cant ifnd any pictures. My wife has a lot of great photos of vacations to Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Hawaii and a few other places... have to dig. Some old India shots ...
It was our honeymoon. We did 2 days on Oahu (staying on Waikiki and taking an island tour, visiting pearl, etc) and then flew to Maui for 6 more days.
Very similar honey moon 4 days in Oahu at a hotel on Waikiki then 2 more days on the cruise ship docked in Oahu then 2 day Maui, 2 day big island (1 day kona 1 day hilo), 1 day Kauai. Please tell me you did the road to hana!
Please tell me you got banana bread and fish tacos!! K I wanna go back now (that banana bread place wasn't open yet but I smelt it cooking so I went and knocked on the window. Girl opened the window and said she just took the first batch out!!)
Ok thats it I need a vacation!! Ill have to see if I can dig up some more of our photos Thailand was one of my favorite vacations.
These are some from Thailand apparently Buddha likes Fanta this was some sort of shrine with Fanta offerings Monkey fetching coconuts Buddhist temple the architecture and art is amazing this is the view from our hotel
Heres a few more from a really bad trip and one from around the house. This is the new Iraqi army/police trucks This is a sandstorm in the middle of the day the picture is not out of focus or distorted its just that damm nasty outside. One bad azz peice of firepower The only nice thing in Iraq was the sunrise and sunset This is me and some of my helpers And just for fun some of my honeybees doing crazy things.
Great photos everyone! I'll add a few, some travel, some home... Saas Fee Switzerland...I was on a little music tour on this one, we were playing at 11,000'! I almost passed out. Took this from the stage... Kauai...spent 6 weeks there every summer for a few years working on an annual film project... Frederick Sound, SE AK. Working on a longliner fishing Halibut... Sunrise, sailing in the San Juans... Arty, home... Springtime at my place...
Guy that sits in front of us at the games is on the board of directors just had to snap a quick picture of it.