I think my first post on this forum should be pictures! These 3 were taken some 750 to 1000 feet above my house earlier this fall. Not straight down but to the west, south and east. All I can think is look at all that potential firewood! The second picture is currently being used as the background on my computer.
Welcome, Star Gazer Great pics, and you're thinking correctly about those BTU's, uuhh.....trees! Got any stacks o' wood?
Thanks for the welcome! I currently have 12 cords of wood cut, split, stacked and covered on pallets. Plus a moisture meter! I burn about a cord and a half a year, sometimes a little more, sometimes a little less, but regardless, I'm a quite a few years ahead. I still plan on adding more within the next couple of months. I have 10 extra pallets sitting on the side that need to be filled!
12 CORDS???!!! That's great Be sure to visit the thread below, if you haven't already.... There's how much wood on The FHC ? Over 1,000 cord ? ? | Firewood Hoarders Club BTW, How'd you get them aerial pics-drone, hot air balloon ride? I started this thread a few weeks ago, from my roof: Aerial (roof) view, Anyone got one? | Firewood Hoarders Club
Welcome to FHC Star Gazer .... A great post get started on too sounds like you'll fit in just fine.... 12 cords nice so that's like 6 + years ahead...
I put in my 12 cords on the Over 1,000 cord thread. But it looks like quite a ways to go for 3000 cord. An aerial roof view? Okay, here's a shot of my roof! Oh wait, you want aerial pictures of my wood piles. I know I have some but so far my search hasn't turned up a single one. I've gone through several thousand pictures and maybe a hundred videos looking for a decent shot of the piles, but so far no luck. As for how I get those pictures, well, I have this chicken that thinks it's an eagle. So I would wire a camera to it and put it in video mode. She did fine the fist couple of years, but lately I think she's getting too fat for her own good. She'll he at 500 feet in the air and be all tuckered out getting up that high, and forget to flap her wings. So far she's only had a few bruises, but one day I'm afraid I'll just have to fry her up and serve her with some smashed potatoes and the rest of the trimmings when she breaks her neck. But, all is not lost. Two of her offspring have shown they will be taking after their mother. Right now they're still too small to carry a camera but I would think by spring at least one should be able to. I hope y'all know I'm just kidding about the chicken thing, but it sure sounds feasible, doesn't it?
And here I always thought one could never have too many welcomes. Kind of like having too much firewood, or too much money! Is there such a thing?
I guess I'll need to go into hiding since the major holidays are right around the corner or it could be detrimental to my health! Here's a picture I think you might appreciate, and I'll post it over on the aerial roof picture thread after I finish. This one was taken today with 16 mph winds! This is only 4 cord of my 12.
Thank you will711 and Merry Christmas to you! SNOW ! 5 to 7" predicted by morning........ Sittin here groovin to The Paul Butterfield Blues Band.