I get that way with a lot of videos. I almost stopped but laid my phone down to put my boots on. Guy is definitely no dummy.
I'm kinda short and yes have been hit in the knee cause I split on a round. No knee pads for me though. My FIL wears a pair running his splitter vertical.
I wear both soccer shin guards and knee pads when I am working. I even keep an extra pair in the truck in case I forget to put them on before I leave the house. Any thing I can do to prevent re-injuring my knee or banging up my shins is worth it.
Lol,i enjoyed that video....I don't know about getting rid of your logsplitters but he makes a point about getting out there and doing it the old fashioned way with a little hard work and exercise.
He can split with me and my log splitter. I'll wear him out good. Laws of economics apply. With better equipment you either produce more wood or have more time to make more $$.
I was thinking we should put all the half brains in a separate place on this forum. But, then I thought that would be glorifying stupidity and this forum is more about the positive. Like Firewood Bandit said, I feel dumber just watching it. So, for me nothing more to say.
I'm new here so I'll tread lightly. I think I'll give this guy (the husky guy with the wedges) a 'thumbs-up' and an 'Ok' because there's one thing he can't hide ... ENTHUSIASM!! He LIKES what he's doing and it's exercise, and he needs that and he knows it. Let him have at it. I say. I feel that whether I'm using my axe, my splitter, or my 'sledge 'n wedge' method ... I'm enjoying what I'm doing, and that's what is important. I can tell you folks that I have 'sledge and wedged' some very large rounds of oak in my time (and not too long ago), and if I didn't LIKE IT ... I would not have spent the hours doing it. If that makes me stupid .... I'm stupid with a big dumb smile on my face! lol!! A little hard work won't hurt us ... we all know that. "Nothing like the smell of a freshly 'cracked open' red oak on a Sunday morning." WoodCooker Over and Out.
Even mo-betta, sit a round on its side, noodle a groove as deep as the bar is wide (or so), then hit that groove with a maul, or set a couple wedges in it. This guy's a joke, like the blind trying to guide sighted people. I'll pass. LOOK AT THAT! Jerk. Why do so many incline to posting on YouTube that they need professional help? Slabbing off the sides of a round is for really nasty pieces, or for daisying with fiskars. IMO