I had someone stealing our Sunday papers when the wife was getting 5 papers every Sunday for coupons. I went out super early got the papers removed the coupons and then soaked the bags with deer pizz. That was the last time it happened. Papers where in the middle of the street along with a good pile of vomit. 2 thing I can't stand a thief and a liar!!
Hmmm. What would happen if you and your neighbor dropped off a couple cords to this neighbor? (Is it better to take the higher ground)
When he got low he would just tell you or hint that he needed more wood!!!! You must have not been around many "entitled" people in your life? They always want more or look to where the last came from to get them through the next period. Ever notice how the folks scream if social security or welfare or food stamps are late? SS I agree is a totally different boat but still many will scream if that does not come in time. I get the fixed income seniors that worked hard etc but to really be living on SS alone some mismanagement of money happened in the past or some terrible situation in the past?
I am the by product of the poor ranch hand son. He looked for a better life for his family. Taught us to work hard, laugh, love and serve. Entitled people are all around us I know. (I have kids) Just my thought of being neighborly.
"Fixed income" is an easy excuse but I am retired and living quite nicely on my own fixed income. A few differences occur to me. I worked hard all my life, avoided extravagances from frequent new cars to long expensive vacation trips, saved and invested what I could and avoided any get rich scheme that looked too good to be true because it probably was. While I was working full time I set up college funds for my grandkids that will help them pay for college but it will only help. They will need to do the rest themselves. There is no free ride. With steady employment I now have 3 pensions coming in but none of them will ever make me rich. I kid my wife that one of them is good for a 6 pack and a pizza every month. My only "entitlement" payment coming in is my Social Security and I paid the max into that program for over 40 years in a row, not exactly a welfare mentality. I will never see that much unless I live to be very old and can never get as much from it as I would have from investing what I paid in instead.
Waddle, I commend you and your parents on your upbringing! Stealing is wrong, yet you turn the other cheek and respond with kindness! My great uncle a pastor would have had similar sentiments. World would be better with more people like you sir.. Just thought it should be said!
Sounds like where I'm at, two pensions and one is a good one for only 15 years with GE but not getting rich here either, only a few cheap hobbies for me. I know you have entitlement in quotes so you understand that Social Security is not an entitlement what so ever as you will never get back what you paid in (according to Dave Ramsey).
I agree, I see a lot of younger people wasting money on really stupid things that they have no business buying.
Yep I do understand that SS is a screw job. You pay I to it like retirement yet you can't cash it out , in est it and like said they now have it set up so you have to be o her like 105 to get back what you paid in. Thats why that one is a tough one. Its set up to keep those to stupid to save to has e some miniscule pension when they get old.
But one needs to be more specific on what game camera to use! They are not all the same and you do not want one that flashes. Thief sees flash, thief steals camera.
Sort of reminds one of the old saw: A goose is a goose, dress it as you will But it remains a goose still. Same with a thief. He remains a thief. Fixed income. There are many of us in the same boat but don't have to steal to get by...at least yet. lol
Like old man says fixed income is relative. I own everything I have outright except the house. I too am on a fixed income. My salery does not budge. I do get raises every few years and it will fix upwards. But the last 2-3 years I think I have made the same thing with little ability to increase that. We can't really work overtime to make more. Now I can go pick up a side job but my salery is my salery. So technically I am on a fixed income. May be a higher rate than others but still fixed.
Only one acceptable excuse that I can think of for stealing: to feed your kids. And you better have a real good reason to let yourself get into that situation. But don't let me catch you doing it again, if your kids are hungry, I'll feed them.
I have 2 small pensions. You'd think they'd be larger than they are since the first comes from a job I had for over 14 years, and the second for over 19. My SS will be considerably more. I like to say that it's all relative, since what constitutes "rich" or "poor" can mean something different for everyone. No reason not to rely on SS when you've worked and paid in your whole working life, unless all you've done is work at McDs. I won't get rich, yet we'll be fairly comfy. I don't need bling to be happy. If it weren't for certain of our elected folks messing with the money, SS would be more than solvent. It wasn't meant to fund anything other than what it was set up for. Not SSI, nor SSD, nor SSanything else. There are people being paid SSD even though they've never worked a day in their life. Set up a different account for those folks, don't rob my money (see, I kept on topic, since SS has been stolen). I have to stop now, since this could get political, and we don't need that. clem, I certainly hope you're always able and smart enough to save for your old age financial needs. Good on ya'.
Too many people walking around with the "I WANT THAT" mentality as opposed to the "I NEED THAT" principal.................................just sayin'
Waddle, you got me to think. Thanks, that approach might ring louder than anything else. if he would be embarrassed he might learn something. Shame is a good motivator believe it or not. As Brother Pat Walsh, FSC, my sophomore English teacher used to say, " Wrong is Wrong but there are grey areas." Our challenge in life is to not accept the wrongdoing but help the individual change to become a better person. Wow, way too deep for a wood hoarding forum????
I have been very blessed in life. I also have worked and set my sights on a certain place and I think I attained that at a young age. I should be as well off in retirement as I was working...less income but should be as good as I am now esp figuring I will have the hose paid off so I dont have that bill so less income then should be equal to more income today since I have that payment. I have paid cash for every vehicle I own/owned and still crime a car that has 255k miles on it and is a 1997 model. I also have a ranger that is a 1990 with 305k miles on it. Could I buy a newer one yes but I can't stand the thought of putting that much cash out to ride around in something that depreciated. Do we have newer stuff yes but i dont drive it. I dont cate that much. I do need to get rid of something. Either sell the 01 highlander out get rid of my 97 saturn and 90 ranger. I have had the ranger for 10 years and love that truck.