Yeah, then he would have an idea of the hard work that went I to it! Might be more reluctant to tip it over then! Problem is, with a guy like that, if you did get him to help for even 5 mins, he'd think it was helpie selfie time in your stacks for the rest of his life!
Those who've been here a while (and another site which will remain nameless) might remember the one time episode of theft I had in August 2009 with a former lowlife deadbeat POS who was in the house to my east.They since moved away in May 2010,current neighbors been there since 2012 or so,they keep to themselves (probably hear my saws & don't wanna pizz me off or sumthin' ) Long story short,I noticed a big hole (about 3 wheelbarrows worth) in the east stack upon returning home one Saturday morning.After smelling something still smoldering in his firepit behind the fence I went ballistic.Apparantly he'd been taking some each night after dark for the past couple weeks to burn while sitting round it drinking beer & smoking weed until sunrise (when I was already asleep by 9PM since I had been working 60+ hrs weeks at my job & had to get up at 430AM) Jumped 2 fences,run up their steps,damm near tore the aluminum screen door off while screaming & pounding on the door. The GF came out,told her "get him out here now or I'll drag him out through a window etc etc....I'm calling the cops to file a report,I detest thieves etc etc..." He finally came out,was still pretty out of it,could barely stand infact.Cops showed up a few minutes later.1 of the 2 to lighten the mood (apparently he got a report of some maniac in the neighborhood screaming about a thief & threatening to beat someone's azz..... ) said "Hey,is this where I can get the free firewood? " Anyway,I promised NOT to beat the guy's azz,they apologized & the cops would not file an official report IF there was no more problems from 1 year from that date. So I must've got my message across. Ask me nicely,if you need anything I'll help you if I can.I'll give you food,wood,a little money,just DONT steal from me.I'm your worst nightmare if that happens.
I am so glad I live where I do. Last house on a dead end street. No fence, just trees and more trees. I do have a neighbor up the road, but he is very quiet and just wants to left alone. Imagine that!
If that was my pile getting knocked over I'd certainly have a better use for that broom handle.............
The life of a suburban wood hoarder - having to keep an eye on stuff. My stacks are up the drive easy to steal but never get touched. I told the new neighbors if they ever needed/wanted wood to stop by and I'd give him seasoned stuff but he's a FL boy doesn't want to mess with firewood inside his house
I have one I hate. She's a wretched excuse for a human. Luckily for all, she is not a direct neighbor, but she's on my cul de sac. Some times it feels like she's stepping on my sac.
People make me mad......but, I'm glad you caught him and your response was commendable. And yes it's very sad how people feel entitled to just take from you.....I'm all for helping someone who's down and out, but they gotta ask me before taking my stuff!!
I'm happy to help people, but only as much as they are willing to help themselves. If you won't help yourself, why should I? Those who can't are another matter.
I offered some wood to my neighbor, he burns a smoke dragon and gets his wood in September, bought a second stove, a new secondary burner but said it doesn't throw any heat, I told him he needed seasoned wood and try some of mine and if you see a difference you'll know the problem. He never took any but I think he figured it out because he gets his wood early now.
I've known people that mention being on a fixed income a lot. The thing is, their income was really high, although fixed. Not saying this is the case here necessarily. Stealing wood from your next door neighbor is bad enough but knocking over the stack is another level. He sounds like a complete A-hole and would have gotten much more than a cold shoulder from me.
The neighbor is a thief. Fixed income is no excuse for stealing or laziness, and being retired means he has lots of time to cut his own firewood. It isn't that hard.