I was telling Grizzly Adam that I now have to find the right photo op to display both the natural and rugged beauty of New Mexico, as well as the unrivaled awesomeness that this shirt will definitely be. Challenge accepted.
HighCountry We look forward to the pics whether or not the Tee is in them! Congratulations! And, not bad for two months, eh?
I, as well, am partial to the pictures shared amongst this crowd. I will do my best to uphold the fine standards set forth by my fellow hoarders.
I have to apologize for the delay in pics, and want to make sure that it is not blamed on Grizzly Adam. He got me the shirt right quick and it is glorious. Here is some goofball wearing my shirt! And here is part of the reason that it took me a little while to focus on anything else.
I took some pics around the property, as well, since I know everyone likes pics! This is from our upstairs balcony. This is the most common type of wood source around here, besides Pinion Pine. I believe that it is Juniper, or a Cedar. Pardon my ignorance. As you can see, it does not produce nice rounds and it burns quick, but it smells great and provides some cool material for interesting woodworking projects. It does split super easy, though. Most of the time, I just choke up and take a small one-handed swing to split off the natural smaller sections.
It is a good feeling when you find some kindred spirits. Not just with firewood, either, which is the best part. Guns, woodworking, etc. Great group to be associated with.