Find them, buy them, sleep well! By September, my goal is alway to have not less than five tons. Never failed me yet. I want to up that to 6 tons this year. I will shove in that stove whatever it takes to keep warm.
Down to 2.5 tons now, but even that is good. My wife will still want some evening fires way into the first couple weeks in June. Since we put in the new stove, she has moved from the living room to the family room where the stove is. It is relaxing to sit near. Only thing I am not too happy about is she has the TV on whenever she is there. I seldom run the TV preferring to be on the computer.
Don't need to leave the house to find out if they have pellets.. of course other factors prevail. Noisy grandkids, finding out when deliveries are expected... Online for both Lowes and Home Depot tell the bleak story.. Tractor Supply says that they have them but not how many..
Interesting.. I'm assuming you're talking about Tractor Supply and not the Augusta ME Lowes.. Here's the result for the TS stores near me....
Dang. I have plenty but its all better quality stuff. Dont mind burning the North Country but dont think they will get me thru the end of the burning season. Really dont want to use Spruce Pointe in late March early April.
I would be too. I've looked up many an item on HD's website telling me," in stock". Not once out of 8-10 times Ive done this has the item been in stock. Pellets may be different but I doubt it.
far be it from me to defend the Big Boxes, but I wonder how expeditiously the IT department updates the website? I cant imagine its done on the fly and immediately. Best to call or, failing that, drop by.
I was talking about the Augusta Lowes. And the Augusta HD and TSC. Talked to a sales rep in each one and no pellets anywhere.
I can only imagine how P.O'ed someone would be if they saw online that there were pellets at the Augusta Lowes and drove 30 miles to find out that they were out.. I wonder if it's related to IT or if it's a store manager thing.. If it was me, I'd be writing corporate and having them pay for my gas..
you even have to be careful when you go to the store. You might get a clerk on wk ends or pm who is clueless. Anything that requires tech advise or ordering should be done during the weekdays.
Saw someone that works at HD garden dept tonight away from the store. She told me that Corporate in Georgia is part of the issue...they say that pellets are no longer needed. In fact, the were forced to set up the garden tables/shelves already which makes it impossible to clear the snow from the open area. She did say to call daily as they should be getting more in, just hit or miss on what day.
There are two at the Lowes store here in Augusta who have been very helpful with some plumbing issues I had. Then at HD, there are a couple in the flooring dept. that are good. Also some good staff in the paint dept. at both. But all of them work week days.
Son in law just came over to exercise his dogs with ours. While here he brought in some pellets for us, also took some home. He said the stores are out. I know of some that have them, but they are not open in the evening when he has the chance to go get them. I don't mind sharing. He has dug us out of the snow several times this winter and never was asked to.
Sometimes you luck out at the local big boxes and actually get someone with a clue but the website inventory should be a bit more real-time than it appears to be. The stores do use scanners and that should update the store inventory whether the website (corporate) does a live update, or uses a memo post system, or only does a periodic refresh to maintain the customer facing inventory is a different kettle of smelly fish. One would think that after having customer inquiry systems that are up to the moment for more than 35 years this would be a moot issue but evidently not. I've seen some funny systems to hopefully merge back end systems with front facing systems. Just glad I'm not playing in that schoolyard.
2 trux coming in tomorrow (supposedly) NEWP, one MWP....have to see how fast they sell out....glad I am off next weekend!