boy, I dunno Wwert.....I am sitting here at work, and all Im doing is answering the phones for people who cant find em anywhere........I am hoping for more tomorrow, but, since I cant predict when a trucker will actually get here, I cant tell for certain......I think we sold somewhere around 8 or 10 truckloads last week....most of em in 45 minutes to an hour....that tells me there still is a shortage of some type......maybe has short legs to the shortage tho?
Not over quite whole client base is still without pellets for the most part. (of any brand). Even when they get a load, it's gone within the day, if not a couple of short hours. Calls from the public, not just looking to buy our product, but wanting to know when a truck will ship to a certain dealer, so they can be there to meet it. A truck can pull into a dealer's yard, with 6-10 cars/SUV/pickups behind it that have followed it, some from several dozen miles away, just so they can get their 10 bags. There is still a big push to get product out to dealers as fast as it's not over quite yet IMHO. That said, I'm not aware of any manufacture that has lowered their price for the spring/summer. Some may have, but I'm not aware of any and sales have been extremely good for the next handful of months....Don't really see demand backing off that much this year. Pretty much everyone got caught short this winter, especially this late in mid-west and the NE markets not only do the manufactures have to get caught up, but dealers and the consumers as well. My guess is that many people will be buying more than just a season's worth (probably 25-50% more) so they don't get caught up in this again next year if it happens again. Not all have the space or $$ for an extra ton or three, but if you do, it might be wise to stock up a little earlier than normal....just in case.
Talked to the supply house today to see when I am getting more pellets. He said to give him a call on Wednesday, he has a list of 350 people waiting
Was just in the local Lowes....they had 2 tons of "Chit" River pellets on the floor, and more outside. No limit that I saw, but I haven't heard much good about them, so I passed.