Lol that guy is out of his mind nobody is going to pay that. Even the newbs know what they've been paying at the bbs and it's nowhere near that.
That's just wrong. I hope nobody pays $20 a bag, or $10 a bag for that matter. That's just outright greed, plain and simple. $20 would buy me about 2 days worth of oil. A bag of pellets might last me 14 hours. But, this too shall pass. My guess is that there will be a lot of "first year burners" who presumed that the box stores have pellets all year long that are going to be dumping stoves on the used market now that the realization has set in about variations in pellet supply. If anything good comes of this, it's that this winter has made me realize that I need to have two more tons on hand than what I plan to burn, not just one extra ton. I'm thankful every day that I grabbed that extra ton in October. I'd be worried now if I hadn't. But who expected single digit high temps and below zero lows in early March? Jay - I'm with you. Road trip to the oil sands, bring empty pellet bags (I've got 170 or so) and load up what they're dumping.
I bet all the pellet makers will be churning out pellets like crazy during the warmer months, getting ready for next year. Then, if they over shoot and make too much, prices ought to go down?
Not that I would want to, but if you put a tarp over the ground, then put your pallets of covered pellets on that, then cover with another tarp, and if the area is well drained I can't see why they won't keep just fine. Once you cut into a pallet, that would be a good time to bring in that whole ton or make sure no water gets to them.
I kept two pallets in my yard from Spring through Fall, wrapped with nothing more than how they were delivered. Not a single pellet was lost. As long as the wrapping stays intact there is nothing to worry about.
You and a whole lot of other do this and get along fine. I worry about their wrapping having a leak in it. The tarps are one more layer for peace of mind.
yep.....we've had folks specifically tell us to put their pellets beneath the overhang....(yea, a 4' long skid under a 1' overhang!)...and then wonder, 3 months later, why they have ruined pellets (musta came that way).......they don't need no stinkin' tarps!
I had a couple outside once when we where using the old quad. We got a flier and the deal was too killer to pass up. So we got 3 tons of Turmans. I already had 2 tons of Dry creek in the basement. So 2 had to stay outdoors until I burn off some. CT pellet couldn't deliver unless I had plywood down. That protected the bottom some and I tarped the chit out of them. Tied it tight so it woundn't flap in the breeze and let water in. Didn't loose 1 bag. When I opened up a ton we hauled the whole thing in. I didn't trust leaving them out once we broke the wrapper. Then retarped the remaining skid tightly again. Since then we haven't stuffed more than what would fit in the bunker. I've gotten stuff delivered, But with in the week its stash in the bunker. If we ever see another steal deal(Like Blazers at HD), I wouldn't hesitate to do it again!
I've kept two tons outside before with no damage. Only thing that is kind of a pita is if it snows a foot or two having to clear the snow so you can access when needed. Other than that I'd say outside is fine just keep them out of view from thieves ya never know who may try to steal some of your stash.
Hey Jay....I found my, ah.... I mean my clothes for our the truck warmed up and the trailer hooked on?
I got a pleasant surprise yesterday. A woman from the local flooring company called me and told me to come get 10 bags of Sets if I wanted them. I thanked her, and stated I was on list to get 25 bags this week. She said I know but your a premium customer and we found a extra ton so we thought you might like to have 10 bags. I said sure I am on my way, a hour later they were home and put away. Not as cheap as what I am use to paying but with the shortage I am happy!