I haven't burned any yet. Got AWF in the hopper, but tonight would have been s good night to try them. Next cold night I'll have to do it.
Gonna take another trip the HD tomorrow. Supposed to have a truck in. I just hope!! Mysteriously the bath faucet just started dripping?
The real test is is the boss comfortable with the P-68, you were fine with the old one. Oh, the TV saw the Mediatomb DLNA server last night, now I've just got to configure it (give it access to my collections of pictures, music,and such). I didn't have enough time to play.
Good luck (really ), round here I got Freedom Fuel and Greene Supreme to choose from yesterday. I'll burn next years Spruce Pointe before I burn those 2. I should be able to replace these come early buy time. I may buy a ton or 2 of MWP this year for the shoulders and be done with it.
Went to the local True Value to see if they had parts. I asked about pellets and they said 3 weeks out. And when they do come in its a 5 bag limit. Off to HD this afternoon. Hope they have something besides the GS's. I doubt I'll see the Blazers really, But ya never know? I "should" have enough with the AWF purchase. But that stack has dwindled quickly. So adding a few more can't hurt. I'd be happy if I could buffer 20 of the AWF for next season. Keeps me around 2 tons of cold weather stuff. So looking at getting 25 ish of something decent if possible JIC! Local paper had a story on wood pellets and salt shortage. They mentioned several of the local dealers(including CT pellet). Many said they see pellets being 3 weeks out. Some said they are done for the season and won't be getting any in until fall. Litchfield’s Blue Seal Feed had an odd statement. I think the reporter got the salt pellets mixed up because she wrote(below). I never heard of phosphorus pellets? Got to be a type O or miss quote. Has to be a salt substitute IMHO. Here's a link to the article: http://www.registercitizen.com/gene...-stores-are-out-of-stove-pellets-salt-for-ice Scott wrote: “Everybody needs an extra ton because of the extreme cold and they all acted on it immediately, causing a vacuum,” said Olson. “It happens in late winter when most dealers are thinking about spring.” And he is waiting for his suppliers to come through to stock up. He gets his pellets straight from the mills–Turman Hardwood Pellet in Virginia, Hamer Pellet Company in West Virginia, and Barefoot Pellet Company in Pennsylvania. Geez, He didn't even mention our ol' buddy Doug(AKA Mr. Warm)!
I went to HD 2-3 weekends ago hoping to score some AWF's. Saw a woman with them in her cart but when I got outside they were gone. Havent seen any pellets there since, cept for the Freefom Fuel that showed up yesterday. Those were gone by days end.
My Dealer down the street went dry about an hour ago. 15 bag per person rationing. Got my 15, all they had was Barefoot. Not my usual cocktail but I took it since there's nothing left anywhere around here. I have 45 bags now and turned the stat down to around 70 from my usual 76. Maybe this cold snap will break soon and let us all breathe.
I went to HD this am and did the Workshop with my daughter. They had 2 pallets if Freedom Fuel out front when we started. Half hour later when we finished there were 5 bags .....
I wonder if the shortage will pizz off burners like 2001 and 2008? 2008 being the double wammy with both pellets and stoves being in short supply! Hopefully something will turn up so you can keep that stat at 76ºF! That 70ºF sounds cold!! But still better than the 68ºF we'd be at with other forms of heat. I saw mid 30's for the end of next week. Its has to turn warm sooner or later. I heated till early June last season. Hopefully its not August this season!
70F does feel cold after keeping it around 76F for almost ten years. I feel like such a wussy. I got to my friends houses and freeze. They come over here and complain it's too warm.
Just dumped in a bag of LaCrete that my dealer left me last spring to try out. Man those things burn hot and clean. Better than the North Country for sure !! Gonna start burning the Spruce and leave the North Country for spring time. If I score some MWP or AWF then I'll burn those in the spring instead and go back to the North Country now..but not holding my breath.
I too was very impressed with the La Crete's. Excellent pellet IMHO(yep better than Okies in my stove-Sorry Doug!). But with prices going over $3oo/ton, Too rich for me. Maybe a spring deal? Doubt will see much price break after a shortage season though! My wallet says boxstore stuff or beer has to be rationed and that aint gonna happen. Got to keep my bulged midsection happy!
I grabbed twenty bags of freedom fuel from TSC ( because I "had to" buy some!) The bags contain a blend of dark and light pellets. Did a little research and found the parent co also owns equine pine horse bedding. One of the bags is straight pine bedding. Getting close to 300 degrees out of the heat exchanger with them. Lots of ash though. HD is supposed to get a shipment Monday. Fingers crossed for Blazers!!
Thanks Jay yes no complaints here I have burned Barefoot they are great just seem to burn up a little quicker than some of the others he carries and my stove doesn't have a feed rate control. Love those La Cretes too, local Dealer carries them also and they're one of my favorites.