Last year in july I split a bunch of red oak and stacked on pallets with some space between each piece. Alot of southeasterly wind and spacing...
yes, backsaver fork assembly On front. Flat forks. I also have a three point rear set of forks so i haul two pallets at a time to walkout...
I loaded these at jobsite with jd2320 into dump trailer. Cut at 84" and rear loaded. About 50 logs and two trips later. Worked great. 18-24 "...
Thundar, Here is pic of my clayton 1600G. Stove works great but chews thru alot of wood. Are you running a barometric damper ?
I like echo bar oil .
Hey thanks. Club is cool. Very little Lp this year. Gas man unhappy.
10 degrees here Iowa. Burning red oak and cherry from last july stuff i split. Pic of clayton 1600 burning at 200+( just ramping up after...
Anyone here running a wood processor? Or hiring once a year?
I clean chimey once a year. Steep roof so I have been cleaning from basement. I am using brush with add on 4ft sections.
I also think it is mullberry.
.35 cord.