My father is a forester for a upstate NY power company. You would be amazed how many law suits they get by cutting down trees to clear wires. It...
We were a big boating family. It was all about the Johnson. [MEDIA]
Great Video. If it took me 42 minutes to start a fire my wife and kids would shoot me.
Why done you use your furnace to heat hot water and install a hot water tank. Then all you have to worry about is 2 the furnace and woods stove....
Myth: you have so much wood you can sell me 2 cords, won't even miss it. Fact: I won't miss it until 2017. Myth: wood stoves pollute the air....
The key is going to be getting the moisture out of the container. If you leave one or both ends open it would work well
Thanks, the first to you hear it is a bit unsettling. Frost quakes sounds like a dunkin donuts product.
I cleaned off my roof so I know it is not the weight of snow. I hear loud pops, cracks, and creeks in my house during cold nights. What can it be?
The longer I watch this the more I laugh.
I blame Johnny Canuck.
I HAD a rag to clean the chainsaw bar of gunk.
It's go to be wet oak in about 2 months
Attached is an image of my 11 cords.
The problem everywhere is taxes.
Cutting knotches into the drag beams was not a good idea. I want to hear Dennis side of the story.
I'm all done listening to people talk about soft balls, hard balls, scuffed balls, sticky balls, new balls, old balls, round balls, oval balls,...
All the time. I look at at big oak tree and try to guess how many cords it would be.
I should add, I used a 3 ton jack to compress it all together. The tight compression really what helps for the longer burn time.
I like the longer burn because I don't use kindling to get a fire starter. I just regular splits and let it go. The recipe is chainsaw shavings...