Timber Tuff 20" Swivel Grab Skidding Tongs | Swivel Grab Skidding Tongs | Skidding Tongs & Brush Grubbers | www.baileysonline.com Half of the...
I use skidding tongs. It is much quicker.
Cleaned my last weekend. I always end up lathering up a few points with stove cement.
I tried to make one from and old wood baseball bat. It did not work well. The bat split in half after a week.
i just bought this cyclone filter to help save my shop vac from the cleaning the stove. It worked well. 99% of the ash went into the bucket and...
The only time I get my stove top to 1000* is when I'm smelting ore in my living room.
Just place pins on the side and you can transport wood in 8' lengths.
With low blood pressure someone will usually feel cold. They can use a fire to warm up.
Get a come-along and see if you can pull the crotch away from the tree it's sitting on? If it can come back just half a foot it position itself...
I see the cyclist in the first photo. Nice job on the tree. Who gets the firewood you our your neighbor?
Usually start around the end of February and finish up around the end of May.
Heat is means nothing when the humidity is 100%. Heat is only good when it is dry heat. Open the doors and key the air move through. It will still...
They are designed for bucking wood. The bow keeps the bar from getting pinched.
Trying to save time sometime cost lives.
I have successfully converted 3 cords into 75 gallons of ash.
I would not choose to dry "Moose Beans" on my wife's cookie sheet on the wood stove inside house. I don't know what my wife would do to me but it...
Whiskey is not good for a sore throat. I find scotch works better.
It looks burn able to me.
Same here, I have a load of logs waiting for the snow to melt.
It was my first day since November that I did not have to have a fire going during the day. It was 56* outside. It is definitely a strange feeling.