You all are just silly Eric.
Will there any gifts other then beer and pellets? [media] Eric
Good choice, why do something now when you can put it off till later and drink beer instead.
Very unfamiliar with that brand and their models. As for beer, we will treat this as a hostage ransom situation. Obtain the cold beer, put it...
100% efficient.
I could not find the notes but Barry Boyer from Harman Training emailed me back that it is 30 EVL with 4". Eric
This is a page directly out of the current P-68 manual and is in all the new Owners Manuals. Addendum Minimizing Smoke During Loss of Power Using...
We used LVLs in the house but I have a steel shed. Eric
As for creosote in a pellet stove yes I have found it numerous times and is caused by incorrect air fuel mixture allowing the gas to cool to much...
It was morning when I typed this, Yes you are correct I should have used EVL not LVL but did it require all that? Eric
Running?? Is there free beer somewhere? Old?? Old bears drink beer also.
There is still a recommended LVL using 4". Will have to review my notes but 4" LVL recommended by Harman is 25 or 30. I am not sure off the top...
The right button always works.....
I just noticed that my stove gets real hot after a few minutes of hitting the start button. Why? Eric the pot stirrer.
MMMM, MMMMM I love me some wings and BEER. Eric
What is this, "OAK" you speak of? Eric
Not a switch such as a wall switch. It tells the computer when to start shut down when the room temp is reached and the esp does the rest.
The room probe is a switch. When the temp reaches your setting it does the same as turning the stove to off for what I know. Eric
As for give false info, yes that can be fun but ohhhh so wrong. Now if someone asks about unclogging an auger we could tell them that it helps...