43 cords, Scotty? Really? When you retire, you'll never need to cut another stick of wood. Your pension plan.
So, this may sound crazy, but I am thinking of sewing a doggie union suit, soaking it in that stuff, letting it dry and outing it on my dog....
Thanks for the information. That should be easy to try. SO, you don't get ticks on your bare arms when you use this stuff? Or you see them and...
He already said no to hickory on the last page, or I would have guessed it for a go at the walnut syrup. Did anyone guess black walnut? Common...
By the time Ironwood (Hophornbeam) gets that large, it has thin scaly bark. And it's fruit isn't a nut.
Like those corrals. How did you make and attach the sides? Sorry if it is obvious, but not obvious to me, and I'd like to try it.
So, s permetrin goat and sheep dip a mixture you buy, or do you mix sheep and goat dip with 1% permethrin? And, how evil do your clothes smell?...
As soon as the snow melts enough to reveal patches of earth, I start itching all over. And checking for ticks. And I put the dog on leash until...
It's incredibly frustrating how they have ruined one's enjoyment of the woods, isn't it? And they are such a health hazard. All too frequently,...
Our own form of global warming....
Agree definitely fairly smooth bark, but it doesn't look like beech to me. I was trying to guess what else would have smooth bark when still...
...was running around my eye. Had been feeling as if there was one in my hair, but couldn't find it. Thought I saw something, grabbed at it....
Absolutely awesome.
That's really unbelievable. And to think there were trees like that when the settlers first came. No wonder the natives weren't too happy.
Just checked the weather to see what is being forecast re rain today, and noted that the temps for the coming week have been revised...downward....
69 in here. It was cloudy and rainy out early this morning, so I have just lit a fire. It'll keep the temps up during the day for my tomatoes....
After a rainy night and overcast sunrise, the sun poked it's head through the clouds about an hour ago, and sparkled off the ripples on the...
Thanks for the info, Jon. I can't even imagine an 8 foot diameter oak, let alone 10 feet. Would love to see that sometime. And here I was,...
Interesting you posted this at this time. I was thinking similar thoughts as I walked around the property yesterday, deciding which downed trees...