Is there a good place to get these on ebay? I can't seem to find them. Thank you all for your input! This is my first chainsaw rebuild so I...
Here's some pictures of my New aftermarket farmertec 49mm motor, going in my Stihl 029 super. I have new Caber piston rings on order, but other...
Wow. Thank you guys so much for laying this out! I really appreciate it! I think I understand now. (I think) lol .
Ahh. I think I get thanks for explaining it!
O i c. So is the dl # relational to your saw or the bar? If my chainsaw currently has a 18" bar and I was to put a 20" bar does the new 20" chain...
This might sound stupid but what is dl count? I assumed all bars and chains were the same, other that size.
Ya I'm thinking 30$ it comes with a case to, so I can use th case, bar and chain and either part the saw out or sell it for parts.
Hers pictures of the saw. I did pull the exhaust off and the piston and cylinder look fine and I checked for spark and it looks...
Hey guys, yesterday my buddy same working on my chainsaw and asked me if I would be interested in buying a chainsaw off him. He is offering me an...
Thank you, I will purchase them.
Lad to hear you liked the farmertec! What didn't you like about the rings? Was there noticeable differences in how the saw ran with those rings as...
Good point, I am in California so they don't issue open carry permits only concealed, I miss spoke.
There's a lot of crazy 2 legged creatures running around these days, you never know.
It was running when I bought it, the guy said he had put a new cylinder and piston in it because when he got it it was 'straight gassed'. It ran...
I have never had any issues. I am really interested in getting an open carry permit, for protection.
I was wondering, if anything, what you guys bring along when you go wood cutting in the realm of firearms? When cutting in the woods I would feel...
It's farmertec from china. So you have had good luck with them?
Ya the new motor is aftermarket, bought it off ebay, but it is a brand new product.[ATTACH] it is not sealed up, but it is all assembled, I will...
Not sure. There doesn't seem to be any names on the cylinder/ piston. I have a whole new motor for it, crank and all
These photos didn't post [IMG][IMG]