Looks like one of the Menards near me has 2 Drolet myriads in stock, I'll have to go look at them sometime, wonder if the mark them down in the...
So I'm new to all this, I went out to my timber where I knew some large trees blew down last fall but never paid much attention to what kind they...
Never heard of Droplet, but it looks like they sell then at northern tool, nice looking stove
Anybody have any experience with these, I know that guys on here like NC, but reading reviews on both they sound similar
Yes it will have concrete floor, I appreciate the replies, I've always wanted a wood stove, but my wife is a worrier, and was afraid of burning...
OK so I'm thinking of getting a wood stove to heat a 16 x 40 room in a pole barn I'm building, the room will be well insulated, 9 ft ceiling....