It's funny. I had a half cord of ash in 12" rounds, log length that had been sitting for three years. I finally got around to cutting and...
I understand. Thanks!
I"m curious, but why do you need a blower on your stoves? It seems like you add more heat to the room in the beginning, but rob future stored...
Maybe the Ash in my part of the country is different than yours, but from my experience it still needs a little time to season once split. Even...
Nice wood. I hope this will cover next year's cold snap because that stuff looks pretty green.
Sound like a great place. The closest one to Maryland is Ohio. I might have to check it out the next time I wander up there.
I wish we had a Menards here on the east coast. Come to think of it, what is Menards?
Seems to me if you are a true hoarder like the rest of us, you would dedicate a large portion of that shop to storing wood. I'm sure that would...
Yamaha generators are right up there in quality with the Hondas.
I agree. The workout from gathering and processing wood is great. I suppose the only bad part is the cardio isn't always there compared to a...
Ah, you are a little late to the party. You might want to read the full thread before posting. Check out post number 24.
Something similar happens on my motorcycle in the summer. If I fill it to the brim with fuel, and leave the bike parked, it will start leaking...
I would have to agree with Mdavlee, there is no way your spark arrestor should clog that fast. I would address that issue before I went back to...
I have to agree. It's not the most powerful saw in it's class, but it just seems right when I use it. I find myself grabbing it when I should be...
I agree, my 026 from the early 90's is one of my favorite saws. Bullet proof, light and pretty powerful for a smaller saw.
I don't believe I would use that dealer again. You have a running saw with possible low compression and he wants to sell you a new one? It's a...
I agree. Not everything is disposable at the first sign of trouble. Pro saws are designed to be repaired.
It sounds like you may only have a worn ring issue. Certainly no reason to ditch the saw. Take the cylinder off and inspect everything....
I'm not sure what you mean by the ultra slow secondaries. When I first load the stove after raking the small amount of coals left over to the...