I did my first few runs of laundry last night with my new GE top loader with agitator. Wow, I went from 60 to 90 minutes time per load on the LG...
Your experience mirrors my own. I bought a fancy LG front loader five years ago and the door gasket kept coming off and allowing water to leak on...
From what you explained, it sounds like you are interested in the Commercial Series Mowers from Snapper. I would have to agree I would look at...
Sorry everyone, work has been crazy. I haven't been on here for a while. Here is a cut and paste of a PM I sent to Backwoods Savage in regards...
I agree with elderthewelder. I am never all that concerned with the amount of ash produced, but the fly ash produced from Tulip Poplar is...
I love my Trane heat pump. For my area, it works great. That is until it gets to around freezing. Then the heat strips within the unit take over...
I have had stacks do that before. I couldn't figure it out, but one thought came to mind. Could it be the outer side of the stack dryed a lot...
Dixon is supposed to be a decent tractor, especially with the Kawasaki engine. I believe the parent company is Husqvarna. There has been a few...
I'll go at it a different way. I know you said a new engine would be too expensive, but have you considered a Harbor Freight Pedator engine?...
I have to say it's awesome to split that oak open late winter and have all those beetles and larvae spill out of the round. The birds are all...
Not sure what kind of worm you have, but it does sound similar to a Bess Beetle. I find them primarily in oak rounds that have sat too long...
To my knowledge, I have never seen basswood, so you could be right. Like most of us, we base our guess on the trees we see in our part of the...
The lighter splits could be parts of the tree getting punky. I don't mind that stuff, it's great shoulder season wood as long as it totally dries...
We have so many tree service companies around here. And lots of trees to cut. Most don't bother processing firewood, because there isn't a large...
Huh? Edit - ok I get what you are saying now. I suppose you are right to some degree, but I still enjoy scrounging wood. And I do need the...
It was a nice day here in the mid-atlantic to cut wood. Great score!
Without knowing what they were, Meadow Muffins sounds like a nice breakfast treat.
I have always found Northern Virginia to be a hotbed of free wood. There is so much disposable income, most people don't burn. I wish I lived...
My stove is in the basement. My rule of thumb is if its warm in the day, but cold at night, I will keep the fire going as long as it doesn't make...
I have always heard it gives a false reading on the end due to the the way the rings of the tree run. Supposedly It doesn't allow the electricity...