I haven't seen any oil sold as bar oil that wasn't recycled in the last 20 years. Even the green stuff is old cooking oil that has been filtered...
A nice thing about a Silvey 510 is most of the parts are simple enough that a local machinist could make anything that you could not get at the...
"Offset 10 degree tilting vise for correct corner (or leading edge) angles on chisel cutters" [img] [img]
For 30 years I used strained used motor oil and never had one minute's trouble from doing that. I've also used old unused Dexron I as well as...
This is on the 3rd design of the 511AX. The two earlier 511AX designs just tilted. The new Oregon 520-120 grinder also both tilts or slides
The new Oregon 520-120 sliding vice picture is in this link . . . http://www.northerntool.com/images/product/2000x2000/470/47084_2000x2000.jpg
I have a early model 511A with no light. [IMG] The indicated angles are spot on if you don't tilt the vice for the 10 degree. The 10 degree...
I do this same thing. "Edges of 600' lane" with a saw like blade on a bike handle Mac weed whacker
The true way to learn about chains is to hand file chains that cut good. I started with file plates 40 years ago. They get the file height...
As has already been posted . . . Dolmar 6100 has a small mount Husqvarna bar mounting pattern (Oregon K095) Dolmar 7910 has a large mount...
I use a lot of Stihl RS chain mostly regular 3/8's" .050 but use .325" X .063 too. RS is my favorite.
I looked at my snow blowers tonight. The old 1997 MTD is 26" and 8hp The newer 2007 Troybilt is also 26" but is 8 1/2 hp. Both engines are...
Thanks for the video and your efforts. I have the same model 26" Troy Bilt. I went out to the garage to check. But mine is older and has the...
I have a Troybilt (MTD) that is a 2007 model. It has a Tecumseh Snow King some where around 9-10 hp? Never had any trouble with it and never...
Generic Chinese?
I had a 084 with .404 chain. Used the same file as with 3/8" chain. Was a natural chain for that saw. With all my saws 50+ cc I use regular 3/8"...
It never seemed to be a problem for me and my hydraulic splitter. The wood didn't slip out of place. The splitter worked normally in frozen wood...
A while back I was over at Dexter's house and we were playing with assorted bigger saws. To my surprise . . . I had a woods ported Stihl 066 and...
I have some Oregon 3/8" LGX chains and don't have any gripes about them. My .325's are all Stihl RS.
I have a gaggle of 372's and I run mostly 24" Oregon Power Match bars and Stihl RS chain. I have some 365 Specials with 20" Power Match bars and...