I'll have to get on that beech soon then. I had to get the brother out of the hospital today, so I only had enough time to move up some of last...
Actually when I lived in Illinois (southwest part of the state in a low river valley) it was usually hotter in the summer than I've seen in my 30...
Well I'll be a son of one of them! LOL Thanks for the ID, Brad. Should have thought about beech as there is a ton of that growing close by, with...
I saw some wood down in the wetland area between a couple of meandering streams near the house today. I've never cut it before, and I have no idea...
Heh, We had a lot of persimmon trees in the area I grew up. We had a very large one at the end of the driveway when I was a kid. Probably 2 ft...
Had a couple of Hoover Hogs out by the stack the other night. They didn't have much to say, just scuttled off into the darkness.
Yep, silver maple. Today the wife told me a friend had a tree taken down and wondered if I wanted the wood. She texted me a picture of the trunk...
Heh, the car I loaded it has white cloth seats! Of course I had a moving blanket on back seat, then a couple of large cardboard boxes on that, and...
Well, I had already chopped up a couple of the biggest pieces, but here is one that I hadn't finished. Any other ones that might be larger are...
I just got my first small scrounge of BL in Alabama. It was just a large branch that was blown off in a storm a few days ago. I was able to fill...
LOL! Good thread! I had to pick up my brother when he had his last procedure. He was still passed out when the doc came in and gave me the...
Hmm, I had some peach that was just like that this year. The wood was off some old live trees I cut about 1 1/2 years ago. Nothing on the pecan,...
Heck, I couldn't even remember my username (not that I have used it much) OR the email acct. I signed up with... Old... But anyway, in the stack...
Well I got a chuckle out it being a hackberry! My Mother planted one of those at the old home place up north about 50 years ago, and I walked...
Hi All, I was clearing some fence row in the back yard and came upon this little tree. I have no idea what it is, but it if it worth letting grow...
Thanks for the welcome Chvymn99 and Backwoods Savage! We had lots of persimmon trees in the area where I grew up, and I do remember one year we...
We had a lot of persimmon trees where I grew up, including a Huge one in the front yard, next to the road. We always seemed to have some fall...
Just a picture I saw the other day. Talk about a close call... [ATTACH]
Great idea about checking out HD and LOW for trees. Not that I have room until I take out a pecan and an old peach tree that is well past it's...