I guess soft maple. Good stuff.
I solved the problem today. I found a fresh oak!:D
I ask because I have been cutting in a woods where I have my choice of dead ash, cherry, and a little maple or fresh maple and hackberry. I am...
Love the ash here too, but one question I have is should a person wait 3 years after it has been harvested standing dead or should it be moved up...
Nothing at all wrong with a craftsman. Spend your time perfecting your filing technique and you will be ahead of 99.9% of expensive saw owners.
I like sycamore it seems to dry quick and burns hot.
I have used jb weld on my pellet/corn stove and it seems to work for a while but in my case it cracked after extended use. It could get you...
No, but they are a very interesting looking stove. I would be interested in hearing how well it works. I have seen quite a few of them for sale...
I think its something with firewood in particular where some people think you are doing them a favor just for taking it. No, it can always just...
I like the $100 deposit idea. The guys on here seem like the honest sort, but unfortunately I have had dealings with people who weren't. It...
What is a fingernail test?
Its dark already but I got a couple. Can't complain, today was a beautiful day with a high around 45, not bad for December!
Its the trunk. I split it today with the log splitter and it didn't split very easy. It was kind of twisty.
I cut a ranger load of wood after work and have been trying to teach myself the difference between hard and soft maple with no leaves to id. I...
I would go with the masonry furnace. I've never seen one in person, but from the sound of it, that would be ideal.
I run an old earth stove corn/pellet stove and for my setup I have found it is best to mix in at least 25% wood pellets to get it to burn right....
I definitely like the big burn box and since I have burned it a few times now, I am impressed with the amount of heat it can throw.
Never been a fan of the chimney cap. I had one on for a while and thought it was interfering with the draft. Maybe a cat in the future but I...
Sometime I may want the cat back, but for now I am happy.
Thanks for the advice! It helps to have other people take a look and point out things that I really didn't take into account.