I work at a rental shop so I got a skid loader and a dump truck took one day to haul, but it took a lot of weekends to cut and split. As far as...
No I had to get it but it was 2 miles from the farm
I love having the house/water heater/garage warm. Dad bought 2000 gal of propane the last year he heated with it now he burns 15 cords of wood a...
No just got the 41 cords split still about 5 to 8 cords of rounds left but the weather got us one week to soon
I ended up giving a guy $600 bucks for logs this year mixed wood. After C/S/S we ended up with 41 cords. Between dad and I we just couldn't get a...
Cold here and 12" of snow not going to be above freezing any time soon.
[ATTACH]Just got done putting the 028wb together was my grandpas it will be going up on the was in the shop. The others are a 262-288lite & a 395,...
[ATTACH] Should be hunting but have a lot of work ahead of me at least I have some help.
Right now with the warmer temps I keep it at 160 an when it gets colder I like it at 180 . I have some heat exchangers under a floor where u walk...
I have the 288lite and by far my favorite of all my saws!!!
Each side holds 15 cords.
[ATTACH] That's how we do it at dad's house. Just dump and ram it in. Just got done for the day cord count is at 41 for this year just a little...
I hear you my stacks look bad but I think that is the worst job. I quit trying to get the wife to do it
I know the bobcat mt55 ( about the same) will lift 550lbs and has more attachments than you think really fun to use
Yea had to put the fence up cause the wind froze the draft door and toot out my computer . Hard way to learn but haven't had any more problems since
I still have to stack 4 chords today worst job of all
[ATTACH] Just fired mine up last night can't wait for the hot shower
My tractor runs the elevator. The splitter we built 3 years ago, got sick of not having a log lifter and we also put a 4 way wedge on it if we...
I don't sell but have to have feed two OWB and one wood stove in the shop
Will try to get some of the saws