If dont open the damper and the air control I get a face full of smoke. I love my englander but the draft is very poor on it.
29 here but the wind is whipping through these parts today. It fells a lot colder. Got both the Englander 30 and the Breckwell P22 going. Oak,...
Yea Will I was working 15-16 hour days and commuting into White Plains so on top of the crazy hours I was spending 15 hours a week commuting....
I am not, I am have been in IT for the past 20 years but now I am home. Left the company and now i am home with the kids. I have a part time job...
Yes indeed, i watched when Chomeo went over and did some stuff. That was a good remake of Family Man. The Chromeo dude with the talkbox gave that...
Im digging this on this cold gray morning chillin by the fire drinkin cafe. [MEDIA]
You my friend got SOUL. Good taste in music.
Funny you post some Bird today, My wife and I were listening to his last night. We went to see him not long ago in Chicago. We were there for a...
Im home during the day now so stove runs on a few splits during the day just to keep the house warm. I mostly stay in one room, the stove room for...
Gotta luv grandmothers. They know it all.
So its pretty easy to make. Took it out the freezer yesterday morning and put it in the fridge as it was frozen solid. Once thawed, I rubbed it...
Daaaayummmmm. Thats looking good. You are all set.
Yum didnt think about the gravy and biscuits. We went with green beans, carrots and Taters.. Man them taters were good, they absorbed all of that...
Im in Beacon or as the Beaconites call it, the Undiscovered Jewel of the Hudson Valley. Im an import, I'm originally from Sleepy Hollow.
Well its been getting cold around here lately and that's and its baking time. For a while I have had a chicken that my cousin gave me from his...
No bother at all, this is why this forum is so great. I take a medium size onion, the size of a Washington red apple and cut it in quarts, then...
Naked is probably too much clothes for that room. He who spends 4 minutes in that room gets the prize.
Mohegan lake, thats a split's throw from my house. You probably hear me running my saw on early morns. Better than getting free wood is getting...
The one picture looks like the one dog is asking the other if he let one rip. Dude, WTF. LOL
Smokey, I cant recall any fermentation, but then again he would give it to me at night and I slept soundly. LOL.