Is that yellow Let Creuset Cast Iron pot on top of that stove?
burnt about a cord and half of ton of pellets thus far. Mostly black locust, cherry, oak and maple. Still have about 3 tons left and over 1 cord...
Hey all, Middle of last year we installed a new furnace and a new Nest Thermostat which tracks furnace usage. In these sub freezing temperatures...
Welcome to the gang. Mighty cold up here in the great state of NY.
Lol. Never over thinking. I I've. Always been very inquisitive. I took apart my grandpa's radio when n I was 8 just to try to find out how the...
Totally empty hopper. I will put an IR therm and see if heat output differs.
I get one of these kind of questions a year. Here it goes. I store pellets both inside the house and outside under the deck covered up tightly...
7 in the beautiful Hudson Valley NY. Wind chills is much lower.
The guy is a landscaper and with temperatures he hasn't delivered much this year .this wood was cut I year ago and some older than that some he...
I sure did resplit several splits. I was quite happy to see such low levels also. If the stacks fall, Ill just pick them up. No biggie, its part...
Pure enjoyment is right. LOL with the current prices of gas. There is some locust indeed, that was from his last drop he did for me.
Part of learning is sometimes reinventing the wheel. I can read 1000 articles on something and its not until I put it to the test that I see it...
Got another cord delivered and stacked today from the same guy that I got wood earlier this season. Today he brought a cord of mixed woods, maple,...
Time to buy Oil stocks. LOL>
Thats life lessons right there my friend. They will be better as adults because they know how to process Faaarwood.
Ive tried them both and they are crap. at least in my stove. Lots of ash and lots of fines. little heat.
PBR is where its at. greatest beer for when I want to get a headache the next morning.
Glad I wasn't the only one that checked from several phones and
This is how I loaded it last night. 4 splits E/W and 4 N/W. I was able to get a nice hot fire going there and the secondaries were rumbling for...
I will let Dennis (Backwoods Savage) answer that question. LOL>