Of the 6 that I got there is one of the sexlink that is expressing rooster like behavior and it's much larger than the rest. If old boy turns out...
Jerjr a hen eating eggs is treason and its punishment is salt pepper garlic and a hot oil bath. After it's been humanely killed of course. Lol.
Yes the cans have a hole in the bottom. I drill small holes on some of them and on the ones in the middle I comepletelly cut out the bottoms. As...
Update. I have made some progress in the coop building. I am by far not a carpenter and have had several mishaps, including but not limited to...
We want pics. Here is a question for you. Will you're so all of these through the winter or will you slaughter them for food?
I found out what their favorite thing to eat is. Oatmeal with a tad of brown sugar, apple cider vinegar and smashed bananas in it. I also put cut...
Yea they do grow fast. I didn't realize how high are until I saw my original post and saw the pics. They are huge.
Update 5 weeks old
I was off today and I built a small run 8x4x4 which will be just outside of the coop and adjacent to a young tree that I have wrapped in chicken...
They go for the carpenter ants? Heck I got lots of those. C
Took them outside today, weather was cloudy and about 50, let them loose on a 5x5 tree enclosure and they had a blast. they were out there for...
I'm loving this post. Mine have grown a great deal since I got them on March 11. I'll post pics later today. About 65 percent done with the coop.
We want pics
Here is the progress on the coop, Using a combination of crap wood and some I got a my job on the damaged pile that cannot be sold. Chicks are 3...
That's very cool. Thanks man. I'll look and see if tractor supply sells that.
awww look at the little babies. one week old? What are you using for bedding?
A few hours after I sat him in the sink filled with warm water he started to defecate normally. Today he looked a lot more livelier and was...
Uncle joe we're excited about it. Kids love it. They are all named after Yankee pitchers. Lol.
For years I have been wanting to get some chickens and today I got 6 of them. They are a week old and 3 are Pullets and the other 3 are Straight...