It has stormed all morning here. Hard to split firewood and let it dry. I may have to cover early this year.
Wow that is a nice looking wood burner. We love pictures here! Welcome to the family. I know when I first came here I had given up hope on any...
Nice Work! Can you come and stack mine for me!:stacker::axe::woodsign:
I would have to think there was air getting into the line too.
I bought my woodburner off Facebook. I have gotten tons of free wood too. Nice job!
The splitter not my wife thought I better clarify.
Yes sir, she ain't much to look at but she starts and runs great! Splits wood really well.
Thank you sir!
Thank you! Boy do I have stacks of wood. My neighbors think I am building a fort. I have more wood than this but this is all the pics I have right...
Along with my family we conquered the oak wood pile! Pretty isn't it?[ATTACH]
I have heard that these little babies will put out the heat. We shall see.
I read somewhere 230 CFM
Well I would have to go to a gym for that! I get my exercise cutting wood!
I have five cords ready to burn. Nice to meet you too. Thanks!
Mine looked at me like a mule looking at at a new gate.
Did you hear the one about the fella looking for a gas fireplace but he bought a woodburner instead. I guess he had a change of hearth.
This is a picture of the dual fan setup for my Cemi Concept II that I just installed today. Really easy install to do. [ATTACH]
I have some willow but man is it it splinters to split. Long time to dry that stuff. I have about 2 Rics of poplar. I love it to start fires...
I was not sure. The guy that cut it told me it was a white oak. I was just happy to get some oak to replace what I will burn this winter. Thank...
Man has it rained here. I need to cut grass and split wood. Neither one looks like it will happen. I would gladly send you some.