:flipeggs: Wow, I bet that baby throws out the heat. I would love to have one I could cook on. It does not appear from the picture that you could...
Single digits in November we are not used to. I figured I would fire up the Cemi and let her pump out the heat. Stay warm!
I have a friend using my gas splitter and wouldn't you know a big limb fell on my house. I used the Fiskars but man am I hurting.
I have used top down fires all week inside. I have to say that I am sold. They burn clean and long for me. They may not be for everyone but as for...
Place too much wood into the box. Kiln dried will burn hotter and faster. Just need to use less wood or you run the risk of over firing. Hope this...
I think you will be fine of you do not overload it.
Why am I not shocked by this. Thanks for the heads up.
I am weird but I usually just grab some from the popular pile to get the fire started, then pull a mix from ash, maple and oak piles. There is...
Tried another top down fire last night in the chiminea outside. It worked great once again. Burned three hours before I had to do anything. Very...
I should have mentioned that it does take longer to build up. I think for a cold start this is the way to go however.
I tried upside down or top down fire starting method so I do not offend anyone with my description here. I tried this method to start a fire in...
My draft is great but I like the idea about not tending to to it as much.
Thanks for the input. I will give it a try and let you know
Thank you Sean. I have heard great things about this method. I guess you can teach an old dog new tricks.
I have heard so much about an upside down fire method . I am curious to find out if anyone has tried this. I am thinking about doing it on an...
It has been hot but I have been harvesting some Red Oak firewood. Two trees came down and the gentleman has been giving away the wood. I am not...
You are right we had it done in about 40 minutes.
I picked up a truckload of free kindling yesterday. My kids and I split up two large totes and a trash barrel full. We got this from a company...
I have the exact same one. It splits great. I am loaning it out this week. I am about done splitting for the year.