drizzle rain getting splitter set up and chains sharpened
day 3 guess not to bad i thing 2 dull chains all bucked up from yesterday and 2 drags draged back in
day to moved slowly and relax to day got little dragged
1st day couple hrs buck up what had drug 2 drags in
got week of vacation next week gone try to get some drag in bucked up mabe split some see how weather holds out for me give 562xp work out went...
couple pic
just can’t do it landing was to clean
clean up to
pile is finished not can start breaking it up between the process
yah be nice but already got to much money in eqipment mud reason for alot of it
dirt in wood pile gone make me pull hair out but pile almost done
getting there
starting to think need higher side boards for wood tabel lol
getting the pile that need split smaller and the split pile gone the right way of getting bigger
block rot alot faster if stack them its better to leave thrown on pile. and dry better burn block wood for about 15 years
added ax holder to tractor for pound wedges
got good bit done today now got mess to clean up around splitter it almost look like i did something would like to know how much spit today but...
birch, oak, maple, walnut ,beech, gum, hickory, quaking ash, beech i think throw the hottest heat that i burn
work at couple hr today
12 12-28 eastonmade