Thanks for link to the muffler mod. I would like to do it soon along with retuning the carb.
To remove the marks I will start off least aggressive with the alcohol and then acetone on a q-tip would be my last resort or I may color them in....
Where? Can you post the link? Thanks As far as the alcohol and acetone goes I have used it on plastics. It will take a small amount of plastic...
OK here are some pictures of it I took last night. It came with the case too. I have to get some acetone to remove his initials all over the saw....
I keep forgetting to take the pics. I been getting home kinda late. Living the lavish "Firewood Lifestyle" every evening after work. Going to...
40 degrees this morning. I lit a fire last night so the heat wouldn't kick on.
15 cord?? Holy chit... I know it may sound exaggerated but it's true. Right now I am working wood every day after work until dark and full...
That is the way to do it I think. All the guys around here are selling wood by the tossed in truck load so customers never know exactly how much...
The guy should not argue. He should show up with 1/2 cord on his truck, measure your stack to verify the issue and dump the half cord with an apology.
Thanks guys. I will probably do the muffler mod in the next couple weeks. I picked up a new Stihl yellow link chain and one of those new 2 in 1...
I only split horizontal, my splitter doesn't go vertical. I just setup a little ramp and roll the big rounds onto the beam. I don't do anything...
I have been looking for a bigger saw. Lately I have been getting into some really big oaks and a bigger bar would be good. I came across a pretty...
Oh yeah Jorge from the city, I bet he really knows his equipment.
Oh I see. With my WoodChief, I can clean out my ashes while the firebox is loaded with the wood in the firebox burning strong, don't have to mess...
Not sure what you mean, I just pull the pan and empty it, there are very few coals in the pan, the bed of coals stays above the grate.
I sell firewood. What I do is I make some fresh splits and I spot check each batch with a moisture meter. I tell the customer about the level of...
It's a side loader, two cast iron doors on the side. Big door on top and there is a smaller one on the bottom for the ash pan. I have burned it...
I guess I never understood the traditional woodstove once I started using a cabinet style. The cabinet is really a shroud with about two inches...
I bought my stove for $100 on craiglist after looking for about 2 weeks. If you have to go cheap that is fine, but there are many better options...
I wonder what is gonna happen when somebody tries to cut a tree down with it.