A couple months ago I had the opportunity to buy up a bunch of oak that was bucked the year before. The trunk was 40" across in spots, it seemed...
Welcome, this is the best woodstove/firewood forum. The people are very nice and don't talk down to you like another forum I used to use. Those...
I keep my electric heat on 55* as a backup. This was after I was gone for the weekend and got home after work Monday evening. The old Wood Chief...
Where ever fresh air comes in creosote will condense since it's bringing cooler air in. keep your air intake clean as well as the chimney cap....
Sounds like time to make "Some Heat" with the Wife.
How Long Does It take To heat up your house with your stove. I have electric backup set at 50*. When I get my stove started it takes a little...
I did an install for a friend last Friday. She had bought the wood stove back in October and just couldn't find someone willing to do it. I had...
When I sell firewood, I give an average moisture content reading. For two year seasoned wood, I get more for that. If someone wants to buy...
I been growing fond of silver maple. I cut some at the end of the summer and it's already @ 19% MC. I like red & white oak along with cherry too.
Pop the cap off and lower a flashlight down the chimney. Look at it all the way down. Does your insert connect to the liner and make a good seal?
My buddy had an Ashley and it was very similar. This is a Suburban "Wood Chief". It is just a little smaller than the Ashley. The thermostat...
[ATTACH] That is a sweet setup. Just pickup one of these Moisture Meters at Lowes, some wood is ready in a year or less. It depends on how and...
I had a fireplace and converted it. Bought this unit on CL, refurbished it. Stove, accessories, piping, etc. $500. I have saved $3000 in heating...
That's good delivered $50/cord
I try to pay $35-$40 per cord in the round cut to 18" lengths and I pickup a little over a cord at a time. Look closely at the ends of the rounds...
Gosh, I don't miss that commute. I used to commute from Dutchess County to Elmsford, then later to Yorktown down the Taconic for 17 years. NC...
Splitting after dark is good for me too. When the short days came in I hung some new flood lights and lit up my processing area. I mostly split...
I have this one for 25 years and it still works great, If your knife doesn't shave hair off your arm it's not sharp....
Yes the 290 has been getting a workout for sure. I'm looking for something a little bigger to give it a break on the really big stuff.
Went For Some More, White Oak This Time.....it was huge...still got some of the trunk left on the ground. [ATTACH] [ATTACH]