ran this with pico and .325 and it ran stronger/faster with the .325, ported by Mastermind [MEDIA] [MEDIA] [MEDIA] [MEDIA]
more vids - Dallas will have to help me out identifying a few of his saws soft wood rocks!!! [MEDIA] [MEDIA] [MEDIA]
[MEDIA] I normally dont have dawgs on any saw, but decided to dog this one in for fun, I am not familiar with dolmars really Dave
Videos as I get them ready Dustin running Shawns 390XP in 10x10 [MEDIA] Dustin and Dallas running my 084 in 10x10 [MEDIA] Shawn testing his...
Who dis Fabz guy? Had a great time with more guys who stopped by on Friday dall , dustinwilt68 and SquareFile I freely admit my #dipchittery, I...
we can just have the GTG while she is at work LOL
ECsaws and Birddogtg stopped down for a few hours a goofing off with chainsaws together today. Ran a few fast saws and had a blast!! Thanks guys...
i will get it milled asap thanks for the info guys, you rock Dave
That log and saw are both long gone :) Moved on to smaller softer wood and bigger meaner saws. [MEDIA]
All I needed :) Check that form, look at that style and grace, my Lord that is one skillful cutter
I’ll try to post a vid or two tomorrow and a link to the sprockets Dave
Ok so this was brought down on my property last September and I haven't sealed the ends it an old maple there was some rot in upper portions the...
I had a ported MS241 that i really liked with an eight pin and 12" pico chain, little lightsaber for sure, Brad has one that stomped mine though...
I need to fill the airbags on the F350 and get a nice load of Poplar cants from Kenis' neighbor. Then i need a giant log sized humidor to keep...
At one point Kenis looked down from his jalapeño burger with a face full of pain and picked up a stray pepper from the plate....he ate it like it...
Armbru84, Barcroftb , DexterDay came down for a visit yesterday. They stopped by around noon and we spent awhile goofing off in the shop and...
absolutely, you cant tear it apart and make it race worthy till you have it :)
that may be the most optimistic statement I ever read on a saw forum :) LOL
Zoo City MS446 Magnum Rescue ECSaws 346xp, 365 Special, 288Xp, MS461, Solo 681, 066 Mike Rupley 064/66, 056 Mag, husky L65 alky, Jon Rupley...