Got it unloaded. My rows are 8' tall, 12' long, and 18" deep. I still have 3-4 more truckloads to go on this Maple/Red Oak haul. I estimate...
Don't think I didn't consider it! Lol. :D
Thanks, yeah my neighborhood is greening in nicely over the last week!
I prefer to have wood in the woodshed without breaking my back by carrying load after load, then having a perfect lawn. :) It's close to a...
Darn close! I think it's about 112 cu ft.
I think it is about 120 cu ft, so not quite a cord.
Today is my record. *Note I did not have to drive on the road with this, just across my own property. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
My wood shed is about 50 feet away, just have to back the truck into the yard and unload it. It's not ideal having to unload, chop, and then...
Got the 2nd truckload chopped. Need to get it moved into my woodshed before I pick up anymore loads. buZZsaw BRAD - Pictured is my Fiskars to...
I have not, heard good things about it though. I have a cheapo Kobalt axe, and I'll probably wait until it is nearing it's end of life before...
I live in the city too, so it's always fun splitting on the easement in front of my house next to a road and sidewalk with cars driving by and... My five year old daughter was "helping" me split, so I let her have the hatchet (pictured). I was using my Fiskars Isocore maul. I...
First truck load split yesterday. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Cut and loaded a second load but ran out of light before I could get it cut. [ATTACH]...
Found a picture of the non-maple tree before it was cut-down. It is all the way on the left. Does this help with ID'ing? [ATTACH]
Could the other one be black cherry?
They were just cut down yesterday, and then it rained all last night and was raining softly while I was cutting and loading it this morning. Wet...
Definitely sounds like we got one of them id'd as a maple, I'm guessing hard-maple from some stuff I've read. Not for the other tree with the...
It sure felt dense loading it in my pickup. I probably have another 4-5 loads to get from it over the next few days. Luckily it only 1/2 mile away!
A buddy of mine had a couple trees cut down by the city for sidewalk renovations. They are going to be replanting white oaks in their place....
Not entirely sure buZZsaw BRAD . I didn't look in that one specifically, but I suspect it is a cold smoker, as he does that sort of thing out...