The top cover and filter cover is NLA for the 262xp, not much choice on this 1
Rit dye, this is a mixture of grey 1 bottle, and 1/2 bottle black, trying for a darker grey
Doing good , dying some 262xp plastics, hopefully they go the color I wanted
Afternoon slackers, wait that was me
Not bad, car is primered, getting ready to work on my suspension
Morning all
Those come in boots? Dall needs boots if I remember
Don't feel bad I have lost 2 wallets this year, 1 at the spring PA GTG, wife was ready to hang me. I have to primer the inside of the dart...
That's a lot of chain work Dall!
I am bad at rememberin names, sorry. I should have went with Mike probably a 50% chance of being right with that working on a 71 dart...
Not to bad, slept in this am, got a car to ptimer tomorrow for a friend, how you been Steve?
I have no access there, it was a good day, went to a movie and dinner with the wife and son. I t was a good day, I be spending the next couple...
Not bad buddy, no work today, just a family day, we need those too.
Just woke up here. Hope all have a great day.
Bout time you get to work out there, those saws gonna feel lonely. Lol
Good day here so far, goING bowling with the family later for a little bit
Back to work today again.
Morning fellas, got a do a leaf project with the son today
I know T4 had the same issues on 1 that he had of a mutual friends, it had a poleman carb and he ended up putting a stock 1 on it i believe.
Kevin send t4 a message he has experience messing with one of those, gave him a fight to.