Went to 26 a few nights ago. Last night went to 34. On another note had to turn off the pellet stove as it was too hot to sleep.
My Mom was always cold too. She was 73 when we installed the stove and was perfectly happy if I kept it 80 degrees in here which I did for her....
Yes very much, and you're absolutely right! For the past couple years I've only been burning Okies, Black Hills, and La Crete but they come at a...
Glad they arrived near me they are great. I have not found a box store pellet that burns both hot and clean enough to satisfy me until these....
Good thread. Dexterday I imagined you older. Such a young guy to have a seasoned case of OCD. lol. Avatar is me.
Cute kid, love the tractors myself and my Paternal Grandmother was born and raised in Bristol TN.
I tried Timber Heats before they leave more ash behind than I like. My ash pan is huge and with a good pellet I can go a month before emptying....
Burning through the bag, gonna toss bag #2 in later but it is looking like I've broken the trend of my experiences of the big box store blues....
Its not that cold out I know but these pellets burn hot maybe too hot for Fall temps. Put a bag in earlier but had to shut the stove off because...
Omg they do have meds for OCD yanno? o_O
Reev-eeeya! In the 80's that was the land of the chicks wit da big hay-aaa! Haha. My parents spent most of their teenage years at Revere Beach...
Considering your size he was crazy to yell at you like that. I had an uncle who was a big guy and looked like Mr Clean. He would have strung that...
Thx! Good to be here I love the place already! :)
Never saw anything like it, totally awesome fence!
Jay, this is the first time they've been local. Prior to this season no place near me ever carried them.
First time trying these. My experience with big box store pellets has = great heat but way more ash than the pellet house stuff. IF the sets...
One of the Lowes near me has Greene Team, Timber Heat, Hearth-something, and Somersets. Picked up a Jeep load of Somersets today. $4.35 a bag...
Mmm Salmon. Yummo. Baked tater and salad sides.
I voted Okanagan/Black Hills but seeing the poll so far I think I'll call around to see if I can get a few bags of Somerset to try.
My little buddy Kimba. Got her at 15 weeks olds. She's a shih tzu, will be 10 next month. Weighs about 18lbs, thinks she's 150. [IMG] [IMG]