What neck of the woods you in Grizz?
Windchill to -12 this weekend. Load the BK Princess with Hedge and like Ron Popeil said "set it and forget it". Cold weather be...
I'm definitely gonna take pics. Ought to be quite a show!
:rofl: :lol:
I'm gonna try to get it with what I have. Truth be known, I'm not taking any of the wood. I'm doing a favor for a friend. I appreciate the offer....
think I'm gonna go with the noodle and quarter idea. I'll try to get some pics taken in progress. Anyone have any guesses on total cords once...
Yes!! An excuse to buy new chit! I love it. " sorry dear I know it's a lot of money, but I really need it". Does that sound good?
I'd could make it happen.... Would rather not! Lol but yeah I could do that
Red oak and yeah old and biiiiiig
Anyone have any advice on breaking this thing up with that saw? Is it doable?
this is my 362 carrying a 25 inch bar.. Looks a little under sized no?
Other than the original "burn in" after each new load up, I burn at 1 to 1.5 on the thermostat. I consider that pretty low. I get 24 to 36 hour...
Can you please explain the use of the RV anti freeze in the traps? Dennis you don't strike me as the snow bird type.
1/8's? Show off! :p
Ya let's not :eek:
another 1/4 Super Cedar expert... I don't know maybe a 1/4 would work for me too. Never really tried. Heck I might just be an expert and not know...
Don't believe you'll be sorry
Wow, that stuff only happens to me when the wife is out there working with me
3 or 4 years? :faint: I know I'm a pup at this wood heat thing,but even as clean as my stove burns I'd be chicken to let it go that long